native datasets? And would a native dataset for refinement be
compromised by friedel pair differences collected at an edge?
If you've got anomalous data available, you may get better results by
using your friedel pair differences in refinement - especially if your
diffraction stays in the ~ 4
You'll see the zinc also at the Semet peak edge already check out Ethan's edge
plot web server. If you used his-tag purification methods it would be wiser to
collect passed the edge of either Ni or Co so you can distinguish them from Zn
Jürgen Bosch
Dear all - we have a synchrotron trip coming up and have crystals that
are likely to contain intrinsically bound zinc atoms. The crystals
diffract to 4A-ish so far. We're hoping to collect both native datasets
at higher dose, and phasing datasets at lower dose (on separate
crystals). Can we