or cryo-EM.
> Best wishes
> James
> > On 18 Dec 2024, at 21:04, Paul Emsley wrote:
> >
> > On 18/12/2024 18:17, tim smith wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Can you please advise once we fit the map and open in coot. What is
> next step
Hi all,
Can you please advise once we fit the map and open in coot. What is next
step to do in coot. I tried refmac but that required ccp4 file which
doesn't have. Please some one can help in elaborating and sharing any
tutorial would be helpful. I'm new bie and first time I am trying model
Hi All,
I am having an issue with installing coot. Here is the outcome when I type
coot in command line. I am using M1 mac pro. Thank you.
Best regards
CSI363227 ~ % coot
dyld[11265]: Library not loaded:
Referenced from: '/opt/hom