big variation in price
dependent on which particular one you use. Use them at ~200-300 mM and you may
even be able to get rid of the glycerol. You may have to incubate the protein
with the NDSBs overnight before concentration to get the full effect.
Good luck
Tom Walter
Original message
** Tom Walter B.Sc. M.Res. **
** Oxford Protein Production FacilityTel: +44 (0)1865 287747 **
** Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Fax: +44 (0)1865 287547 **
** Roosevelt Drive [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
** Headington,
thing...) we have two machines (and another one imminent) to
increase throughput.
** Tom Walter B.Sc. M.Res. **
** Oxford Protein Production FacilityTel: +44 (0)1865 287747 **
** Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Fax: +44 (0)1865 2
** Tom Walter B.Sc. M.Res. **
** Oxford Protein Production FacilityTel: +44 (0)1865 287747 **
** Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Fax: +44 (0)1865 287547 **
** Roosevelt Drive [EMAIL PROTECTED
advantages and disadvantages so it just depends what you will be
using them for, what disadvantages you are willing to put up with, and of
course your budget.
Happy shopping!
** Tom Walter B.Sc. M.Res. **
** Oxford Protein Production FacilityT