nd 20 microg per band or spot. Staining
and destaining require only 30 min, and the method is compatible with
subsequent immunodetection.
PMID: 16336940
Steven Darnell
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA
Jacob Keller said the following, on 09/25/2008 04:35 PM:
Andreas Förster said the following on 9/12/08 4:42 AM:
Thanks to all who responded to my question regarding the energetics of
a known interface applied to orthogolous dimers.
Steven Darnell asked me for some clarifications. I have the structure
of a homodimer, defined the dimerization interface
n 8.
PMID: 17603074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Thank you.
No worries. Does any one else have any suggestions or corrections?
I've only had 7 hours of sleep since Saturday.
Steven Darnell
Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA
gel. Using this
gel system,
we show that the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) is a monomer.
PMID: 16991206 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Steven Darnell
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 8/26/08 12:20
ing half that value, or what it calls "interface
area". Potentially confusing.
Phil Jeffrey
Steven Darnell
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA
Sorry, that equation should read:
Buried_Surface_Area = ASA_unbound1 + ASA_unbound2 - ASA_bound
ASA = Accessible Surface Area
The way I wrote it before would give you a negative value.
Steve Darnell
Steven Darnell
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
method. It's a matter of personal preference.
From a programming point-of-view, the distance between C-alpha or
residue atoms is preferred because it's the easiest to implement and the
fastest to compute.
Steve Darnell
Steven Darnell
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI USA