Dear CCP4bb,
When we select 'generate all hydrogen atoms' option in Refmac5, does it use
riding hydrogen model in refinement?
Sasha Pausch
Dear CCP4bb,
I am facing a problem in generating .mtz output file from DETWIN program in
CCP4 (version 6.5). Program is finishing successfully with log file but not
mtz file.
Please suggest me a way out!
Thanks in advance,
Sasha Pausch
Dear CCP4bb,
Sorry for asking a naive question.
I am trying to deposit a structure in PDB. I would like to know whether we
have to delete the side chains of amino acids for which we are not finding
density or people prefer keeping the side chains occupancy zero? Is there
any other way to do this?
, Tim Gruene wrote:
> Dear Sasha,
> you can select two pairs of three corresponding atoms at either end of
> the stand and calculate the plane normal of each set. The angle between
> the normals would be the overall bend.
> Best,
> Tim
> On 10/21/2014 09:53 PM,
Hello CCP4bb,
May I know how can we calculate or use any server which can calculate the
overall bend in a DNA (crystal structure)?
Hello All,
I would like to know how to change the nomenclature of bases (for example
from Ad to DA for adenosine triphosphate) in PDB file.
for refining DNA in Refmac for a
Protein-DNA complex?
4) Which versions of refmac and COOT support DNA refining and model
Thank you in advance,
Sasha Pausch