[ccp4bb] Fw: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] just out of totally idle curiosity ...

2016-11-09 Thread Rex Palmer
Good job they did'nt dead heat otherwise it would have been Trumpton. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://www.springer.com/978-1-4641-3954-7 - Forwarded Message - From: Ian Tickle To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Sent: Wednesday, 9 November 201

[ccp4bb] analysing conserved waters in two related structures

2015-06-28 Thread Rex Palmer
Can anyone suggest a method/program for analysing conserved waters between two related protein structures? Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3954-7

[ccp4bb] hello.

2013-11-22 Thread Rex Palmer
http://portal.limon.gen.tr/gm/itfhmazeeuauqaqvqmzusuu.html Rex Palmer 11/23/2013 2:52:00 AM

[ccp4bb] greetings.

2013-06-14 Thread Rex Palmer
Good evening http://www.simonebaldini.com/wgyj.html

[ccp4bb] Off topic: type X collagen

2013-04-22 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone have a nice graphic of type X collagen? Thanks in advance.   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com


2013-04-01 Thread Rex Palmer
We have two refined protein structures of similar proteins. There are differences in the amino acid sequences however and also in the bound waters and ligands. Does anyone know of a program which we could use in order to quantify the structural differences associated with these factors?   Rex

[ccp4bb] python.exe stops working

2013-02-17 Thread Rex Palmer
I have developed a problem with CCP4MG on my pc. I get the message "python.exe has stopped working". I have tried recompiling the program to no avail.Any ideas please.   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] CCP4MG and python.exe

2013-02-16 Thread Rex Palmer
I have developed a problem with CCP4MG on my pc. I get the message "python.exe has stopped working". I have tried recompiling the program to no avail. Any ideas please.   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] render.exe in COOT

2013-01-24 Thread Rex Palmer
What is render.exe in COOT?   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallography on BBC Radio 4 next week

2012-11-22 Thread Rex Palmer
r 2012) is exactly 100 years since W L Bragg presented his first paper to the Cambridge Philosophical Society and thus begun the field of X-ray Crystallography."  Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com __

[ccp4bb] alpha lactose in COOT

2012-11-19 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know why the ligand alpha lactose in COOT has at least one sugar ring that is not fully symmetrical. The CCDC deposited alpha lactose molecule has both rings perfectly symmetrical chairs. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010

[ccp4bb] Off topic: Selecting atoms within a given distance from a target atom

2012-11-17 Thread Rex Palmer
I would like to specify a target atom in a pdb file and then isolate all atoms within a given distance of the target. The selected atoms are then to be placed in a new pdb file. Any suggestions please. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010

[ccp4bb] alpha Lactose LTB molecule from Coot Library

2012-10-23 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know if the alpha lactose molecule LBT coordinates are in the Coot library. If so how can they be accessed?   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] anisotropic refinement

2012-10-11 Thread Rex Palmer
Dear CCP4'ers With the occurrence of more and more high resolution protein structures does anyone know at present how many such structures have been successfully refined anisotropicall?  Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] OFF TOPIC

2012-10-07 Thread Rex Palmer
Can anyone please tell me how to extract the pdb for a ligand, eg alpha lactose, from the COOT library, prior to fitting into difference density. Thanks in advance. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Off Topic: help locating CNS data

2012-09-21 Thread Rex Palmer
I have been presented with the problem of locating protein data for a structure which was refined here ten years ago with the CNS program. Unfortunately I have never used this program so do not know what type of files I am looking for (or how many files). Any suggestions please Rex Palmer http

[ccp4bb] Off Topic

2012-09-20 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know how to change a two column format .pdf file into plain one page at a time format.    Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Off topic

2012-09-15 Thread Rex Palmer
Is there an easy way to make two .hkl files into one continuous file? Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] off topic: pdf to word conversion

2012-09-01 Thread Rex Palmer
Dear CCP4BB Does anyone know how to convert a .pdf file into a meaningful Word file. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The pdf file has numerous figures and tables. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Fw: [ccp4bb] Question on Symmetry Axis Notation Convention

2012-06-15 Thread REX PALMER
The standard notation is 21 axis parallel to [100]?   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com   From: James Stroud To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2012, 20:06 Subject: [ccp4bb

[ccp4bb] Intermolecular interactions

2012-01-22 Thread REX PALMER
Can anyone recommend a program that will search a crystal structure for CH---N, CH---O and CH---C contacts by applying space group symmetry and lattice translations. I also need the geometry and symmetry operations in each case to be output. Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff

[ccp4bb] Displaying CH---N weak hydrogen bonds

2011-12-01 Thread REX PALMER
I am looking for a program that will display weak CH---N bonds. The programs I know about only display classical hydrogen bonds such as OH---N etc. Any suggestions please? Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com


2011-11-26 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone have an up-to-date account of protein structure anlysis from powders?   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Off Topic: Hanging drop/sitting drop teaching video

2011-11-18 Thread REX PALMER
Just enquiring on the off chance that someone has/knows of a teaching video demonstrating the setting up of hanging and/or sitting drops for crystallisation.   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] CCP4I on an imac

2011-10-10 Thread REX PALMER
Dear CCP4'ers Can anyone help with the following problem:   How do we  install CCP4I on an imac. As yet we have had no success only error messages concerning working directories etc.   Thanks in advance   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalme

[ccp4bb] Neutron data collection

2011-09-21 Thread REX PALMER
collection ie because smaller crystals can be used. Any help will be greatly appreciated.   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] ALMN

2011-09-09 Thread REX PALMER
peaks generated. If the keyword RMS is present, then the peak threshold is PEAK * RMS density, otherwise PEAK is the absolute threshold in the scaled map. Question: RMS density of what and what is the formula used? Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalme

[ccp4bb] waters shell analysis

2011-08-26 Thread REX PALMER
Once waters have been located and refined is there a program that analyses their positions in terms of solvation shells? Can the results be compared easily with those from related known protein structures? Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010

[ccp4bb] pdb file format for sugars

2011-08-18 Thread REX PALMER
individually? I want to inspect the individual binding sites. Thanks Rex Palmer Birkbeck College  HETATM 3993 C1 GAL B 265 -3.839 64.712 -19.974 1.00 66.90 C HETATM 3994 C2 GAL B 265 -4.291 64.321 -18.565 1.00 65.48 C HETATM 3995 C3 GAL B 265 -4.084 62.837

[ccp4bb] CCP4 6.1.13

2011-06-21 Thread REX PALMER
irst warning message above.   We also tried running Refmac but get similar problems when trying to create a project directory.   Can anyone please advise?   Thank you,   David Lisgarten and Rex Palmer.   Canterbury Christ Church University   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff

[ccp4bb] Refmac for windows

2011-06-21 Thread REX PALMER
with both alpha and beta forms of lactose in the dictionary?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Growing large protein crystals

2011-05-31 Thread REX PALMER
diamond tipped drill do the same job?   Rex Palmer http://www.bbk.ac.uk/biology/our-staff/emeritus-staff http://rexpalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] Rasmol

2011-05-13 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone know how to select an atom and rotate the image about this point in Rasmol?   Rex Palmer Birkeck College

[ccp4bb] Bruker AXS (XPREP/RLATT)

2011-05-08 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone have a good quality reproducible Bruker AXS (XPREP/RLATT) simulated precession record for a book chapter (it will be fully acknowledged!).   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Lyophilized protein sample (purchased)

2011-05-06 Thread REX PALMER
We have purchased a 5mg commercial sample of a protein we want to crystallize. On arrival it transpired that the sample had been lyophilized. Does anyone know if this is likely to give problems and if so what can/should be done about it?   Thanks in advance   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Comparing two proteins

2011-04-13 Thread REX PALMER
Dear All What is the best program to use for comparing two protein structures which are very similar both structurally and wrt aa sequence? ie to get the rms deviations both generally and in selected regions.   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Inside Diamond

2011-04-13 Thread REX PALMER
This is much better than Coronation Steet!   http://blog.the-scientist.com/2011/04/11/multipole-wigglers/ Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Fw: Re: [ccp4bb] Solidarity with Japan

2011-03-16 Thread REX PALMER
below: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7vf_V&m=1adA9w4Zgg1yh1&b=_szL3OnaO1I3NyRX06YTVA Rex Palmer Birkbeck College


2011-03-16 Thread REX PALMER
MAR describe their latest Image Plate as a CCD. Their early Image Plate designs were described as barium halide phosphor doped with Eu2+. Does anyone know why they have kept the name Image Plate when everyone else calls it a CCD?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Hideaki Niwa

2011-03-13 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone have an email address for Hide Niwa who was at Birkbeck in the 1990's and went to work back in Japan as a protein crystallographer? The earthquake is rather worrying.   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] MOSFLM

2011-03-13 Thread REX PALMER
Thanks to all for your prompt, detailed and useful answers. I thought you would all be watching the rugby this afternoon!   Rex  

[ccp4bb] MOSFILM

2011-03-13 Thread REX PALMER
Is MOSFILM 6.2.6 the latest version?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] CNS and protein structure refinement

2011-02-16 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone still use CNS ? Do we expect Rfree from CNS for example to be different from the value given by Refmac at the end of the refinement?   Rex Palmer   Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Fw: RE: Preliminary studies

2011-02-09 Thread REX PALMER
--- On Wed, 9/2/11, geoffrey kamau wrote: From: geoffrey kamau Subject: RE: Preliminary studies To: rex.pal...@btinternet.com Date: Wednesday, 9 February, 2011, 9:03 Dear Dr. Rex Palmer, Thanks for the message. Yes, we have been using X-ray diffraction cameras, particularly with respect

[ccp4bb] Preliminary X-ray studies

2011-02-07 Thread REX PALMER
Just out of curiosity does any one still use, or know of anyone else who  still uses X-ray photography to screen cell parameters and data quality prior to data collection, for either macromolecular or small molecule studies?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College      

[ccp4bb] Processing Laue data

2011-01-28 Thread REX PALMER
What programs are available for processing Laue data to produce an intensity data set? Are explanatory notes or publications available?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Structures determined: breakdown of methods

2011-01-15 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone know of a statistical breakdown of successful protein structure determinations in terms of the method used?   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Fw: Virus alert

2010-12-16 Thread REX PALMER
- Forwarded Message From: Dean Palmer To: Rex Palmer Sent: Thursday, 16 December, 2010 12:08:20 Subject: FW: Virus alert   From: amanda.po...@uk.henkel.com [amanda.po...@uk.henkel.com] Sent: 16 December 2010 10:20 To: dpal...@bucksgfl.org.uk

[ccp4bb] pdb formats

2010-12-14 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone know if it is possible to transform the continuous (compacted) pdf format ino the older version where each atom occupies a single line (and vice versa). Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Protein sequencing service?

2010-11-24 Thread Rex Palmer
Can anyone please recommend a UK protein sequencing service. Our protein is dimeric with reported molecuar weight of about 85kDa.Our funds are somewhat limited. Thanks in advance. Rex Palmer Birkbeck College, London RexPalmer2010.homestead.com

[ccp4bb] How to get the pdb from a small molecule

2010-11-01 Thread Rex Palmer
ARGUSLAB and export as a .pdb file (there's nothing else to do in ARGUSLAB but it is useful for minimizing and producing various surface types eg ESP). 3. You can test the .pdb file with RASMOL and or DISCOVERY STUDIO VISUALIZER (both also free downloads and good for making nice pictures). Rex P

[ccp4bb] protein ligand energy

2010-10-13 Thread Rex Palmer
Can anyone reccomend a free download program that will calculate the energy of a protein/ligand complex? The ligand has been modelled in. Thanks Rex Palmer Birkeck College

[ccp4bb] Most Disagreeable Reflections

2010-09-16 Thread Rex Palmer
Dear CCP4 users The Shelx lst file includes the entry: Most Disagreeable Reflections (* if suppressed or used for Rfree) and includes 50 hkl's with h k lFo^2 Fc^2 Delta(F^2)/esd Fc/Fc(max) Resolution(A) Is there a corresponding or similar facility in CCP4? Rex P

[ccp4bb] Mutating bases in DNA

2010-09-13 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know of a program that will mutate a given base in the pdb of a DNA structure? Many thanks in advance. Rex Palmer Birkbeck College, London

[ccp4bb] superpositioning two ligands

2010-09-03 Thread Rex Palmer
can be done with eg Quanta but do not have access to this program. Does anyone know of a downloadable program that we could use instead? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College, London

[ccp4bb] Lactose again

2010-08-17 Thread Rex Palmer
In Refmac: Does anyone know if lactose should be designated as one component (Lat) or two components (Gal and Glc)? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Lactose refinement

2010-08-16 Thread Rex Palmer
chair and would this necessarily be a valid move? ie why can't the conformation deviate from the norm? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Fw:

2010-08-09 Thread Rex Palmer
Can anyone supply information on the use of the following in ccp4: 1. Bulk-solvent correction 2. Refinement of individual isotropic B-factors 3. Refinement of an anisotropic overall thermal parameter Rex Palmer Birkbeck College, London

[ccp4bb] CCP4 Refmac

2010-08-02 Thread Rex Palmer
Our protein includes several glycerols which have been added to the pdb file. We understand that any required (geometric or other) restraints have to be specified to Refmac in the refinement library. Can someone please provide the instructions for how to include these specifications? Rex

[ccp4bb] voltage gated Na channel

2010-05-26 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know of the existence of a structure for a voltage gated Na (not K) channel? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College, London

[ccp4bb] Incomplete data

2010-05-10 Thread Rex Palmer
If you measure a set of diffraction data without any particular restraints and it turns out, say at a given theta max, to be only 80% complete, what does this imply? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Motif searching

2010-05-06 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone know of a program designed to both store information on functional motifs in proteins, as described in the literature, and to retrieve such motifs within a given protein sequence? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Crystallization Teaching dvd

2010-04-07 Thread Rex Palmer
Does anyone have a dvd depicting protein crystallization including setting up microplates and hanging/sitting drops that would be suitable for teaching purposes? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Possible sulphate

2010-04-07 Thread Rex Palmer
What seems to be a possible sulphate has been identified in our electron density. What steps could/should be taken to confirm or consolidate this assignment that would satisfy referees? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Waters from Coote

2010-04-07 Thread Rex Palmer
Is there a preferred type of density map to use with Coote for identifying waters? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] sequence from pdb

2010-04-04 Thread Rex Palmer
Is there software that will extract a protein sequence in either 3 letter or single letter code from a given pdb file? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College

[ccp4bb] Picking a given bond in RASMOL

2010-01-15 Thread Rex Palmer
I want to pick a bond or series of bonds in RASMOL and display with wireframe or sticks. Any ideas please? Rex Palmer