Just to be absolutely clear about my approach to doing this, I should scale in
HKL2000 as an unmerged set, and then take the unmerged scalepack, convert to
mtz and run through pointless?
Also, would taking my current mtz (which is a merged dataset) work using the
reindex program in CCP4? Are t
Dear all,
Looking to get some advice on reindexing an old dataset. I recently solved a
structure of reasonable resolution at ~3A in C2. I had an old dataset at 4A in
P213 that I never got a MR solution with until I solved the structure of it at
3A. I've recently gone back to to this and managed
Hi Sutapa,
With regards to insect cell expression, how do you know it wasn't expressed?
You didn't see a band by coomassie staining or by western?
If by staining, I'd recommend to just try expressing a limited amount through
infection of a few 150mm dishes of your favorite cell line (I use Hig
Hi all,
Sorry for the very off topic message, but I recently upgraded my OS to Sierra
and all of a sudden MacPymol has stopped working for me. Clicking on the
program just gives the appearance of it about to start by showing the icon on
the dock, and then just blinks out, without ever starting
Hi all,
I've generally always thought as long as the peak was symmetrical and not too
broad would suggest a good sample. However, looking at my previous runs in the
past, I've had peaks as narrow as 1.5-2mL on a 24mL SD200, or slightly broader
peaks with about 3mL (all symmetrical peaks, roughl
Over the last 12 hours I've received a large number of responses, and I'd like
to thank you all for the detailed and helpful responses.
Clearly, I've been doing this incorrectly, however, I do have a number of
experiments already done that hopefully I can salvage something out of. Now, at
Hi all,
Sorry for the incredibly dumb and off topic question. I've been doing some
steady state michaelis menten kinetics, and no one around me has ever done it
before. My own classroom training was years ago and so I've forgotten a great
deal and have just been going from old textbooks/papers.
Hi all,
This is probably a really bad question, but are there any examples of Trp
acting as a nucleophile at all in literature? I can't imagine it can, but I
thought I'd ask just to make sure from people who know more than I.
Thanks and sorry for the offtopic question.
Hi all,
I'm working on a protein that I recently got crystals of. My functional studies
show that the protein has optimal activity at lower pHs, while losing >90%
activity at about pH8. I've been trying to soak/cocrystallize a substrate
analog (small molecule) into my crystals (grown at ~pH8) w
Hi all,
I recently got some hits from a Mosquito grown at 18C with PEG4000 and 10%
propanol. I've tried reproducing these hits using the standard 24 well format
with no success, even with playing with PEG and propanol concentrations. The
initial screening solution was from a kit that's been sit
tability Centre
Science Park Road
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RQ
email: antony.oli...@sussex.ac.uk
tel (office): +44 (0)1273 678349
tel (lab): +44 (0)1273 677512
On 8/29/12 5:56 PM, "Peter Hsu" wrote:
Hi all,
I've been purifying my protein off a GST column and hav
Hi all,
I've been purifying my protein off a GST column and have noticed a massive
difference in activity of my protein between a prep that was freed from the
column via on column cleavage, and a prep that was eluted (20mM GSH) and then
cleaved and further purified. I'm suspecting that the glut
I too am also studying the reaction mechanism of an enzyme, but my
chemistry/enzymatic biochemistry is rather weak after many years of non-use and
no review. Does anyone know just as a general rule which residues are the best
to worst nucleophiles?
Sorry if this seems rather presumptuous, just
Hi all,
Sorry for the slew of offtopic posts, but does anyone here have any experience
repacking the large 120mL Superdex75/200 columns? Any advice/tips on doing it?
I've got an older column that's gotten clogged while washing w/NaOH (can't go
over 0.1mL/min w/o getting overpressure alarm), and
Hi all,
We've got an old Akta prime that I think is on the verge of kicking it.
Hearing some high pitched sounds coming from the pump when we're running it.
Line A seems clogged and makes a thudding noise when we try to do a pump wash
through that line. Does anyone have any experience w/fixing
Hi Sonali,
Did you use MBP as your purification tag? That's around 45-50kDa if I remember
If not, I've had a decent amount of luck using in situ proteolysis to get
crystals of degraded fragments. Try a limited proteolysis first overnight at 4C
at varying concentrations of trypsin, see w
Hi all,
I've recently switched over to using a GST system for purifying my proteins.
Although I can get enough protein out of a few liters, I've always been finding
that when I take some of the beads to run on a gel, I always get a decent
amount of protein just stuck on there that won't elute o
Hi all,
Forgive the rather ignorant question, but I'm rather new to using coot/model
building and I'm trying to model in a Zn2+ atom but coot doesn't seem to have
the files for a Zn atom in its database. I'm not sure where to start
looking/how to write a file that defines a Zn2+ atom and to hav
Hi all,
Sorry for the very off topic problem. I'm looking for a loading control for my
westerns (doing in vitro assays). Due to separation/antibody specificity
issues, I need super good separation between 70 and 100 kDa, oftentimes running
those markers all the way to the bottom of the gel. If
Hi Rajesh,
Have you looked at how well conserved these Cys/His residues are? Is the
spacing similar to known zinc fingers? Might be good things to consider if you
suspect a zinc finger in your protein, of course you probably know this already.
Forgot to mention, that this 2.5-3A diffracting crystal was the same one that I
have been unable to index and suspect are twinned due to the presence of these
other fused crystals in the same drop.
Thanks for any input.
Hi all,
Thanks to all those who responded to my query about indexing my dataset. I'm
beginning to suspect that the crystals are twinned. the crystals initially
started as fused plates which were then optimized to single crystals that
diffracted poorly (3.5-4). I then set up an additive screen,
Hi all,
I recently collected a data set off a single crystal and have had problems with
indexing it. Every time I go pick peaks for indexing it constantly picks peaks
that are just slightly off the actual peak. After indexing, it would always be
that 2 of the 3 cell dimensions would be fairly n
Have you tried dialyzing the "purified" protein after elution into a no
imidazole buffer while doing TEV cleavage, and then reloading on to a His
column to remove the tag and TEV? I've found in my experience that this often
recaptures a lot of the background proteins.
If you're getting a 70kDa
Sorry for the very off topic and dumb question, but does anyone know if BeCl2
needs to be prepared fresh for use (making BeF3) or can it be stored as a
solution stock at room temperature/frozen?
I forgot to mention, I can reconstitute the complex (co-expression/mixing
proteins) and the complex comes off both ion exchange and an SD200 as one peak.
Just haven't had luck with getting crystals.
Hi all,
I've been trying to crystallize a 3 protein complex recently with little
success. However, crystals of each subunit have previously been crystallized. I
was wondering if any one knows of any literature/experiences where people have
used seeds from an individual subunit to seed for a com
Wanted to get an opinion. I set up a screen a while ago and got these very
small cubic looking crystals 2-3 days later amidst a lot of precipitant. The
condition was Natrix E1 (0.04M LiCl, 0.02M MgCl2, 0.04M Sodium Cacodylate
pH5.5, 30% MPD, 0.02M Hexammine Cobalt (III) chloride). This protein's
We've been using the S219V mutant for cleaving out tags. We usually do our
cleavage reactions in an overnight dialysis after a Ni-column into 50mM Tris,
100-200 mM NaCl, 5 mM BME at 4C. I've never found problems with losing any
protein in the reaction and recover usually >90% of the protein afte
I haven't used it personally, but I've heard some people engineering a his SUMO
tag on to the protein and then use SUMO protease to cleave it off. The protease
apparently makes very clean cuts and no extra residues are left.
Best of luck,
Hi, apologies for posting this off topic subject, but does anyone know where to
get cDNAs for more exotic organisms? Specifically more fungal/protozoans such
as K.lactis and C.glabrata.
Thanks in advance,
150mM NaCl, 5mM DTT, pH8.0.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter.
Peter Hsu
The Varani group at the University of Washington is looking for a postdoc to
work in the area of RNA structural biology, primarily on RNA:protein and
protein:protein complexes involved in RNA processing.
Candidate must have a PhD in biochemistry or related fields, and a background
in crystallog
Hi all,
I haven't gotten past the phase of growing the crystal, but I'd certainly still
like to learn the actual theories of crystallography. Can anyone recommend a
good beginner to mid-level text on macromolecular crystallography?
Hi all,
I'm thinking about buying this screen for my group, but it is pricy. Has anyone
had any luck with getting hits with these screens before when there were no
hits before?
Have you tried putting on a solubility tag, such as GST?
I've found some times using M9 to grow my proteins in can give more soluble
protein, although yields are usually lower.
In line with that, you could also try a His-GB1 tag. NMR people often like to
use this since it's a well folded, highly soluble and most importantly, small
tag (~50 residues).
I've not tried this on column cleavage before, but have you tried first
purifying the protein. cleaving the tag off the column and rerunning it through
the column to capture the tag and washing off the protein?
Also, with concentration. Going from a 50 mM buffer, and .3M salt, down to
I'm working with a possible zinc binding protein. Saw your post and was
wondering, what is the proper pH range for zinc binding?
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