Hi, all
I am refining a structure that has a metal-benzene coordination bond,
usually the pdb was constructed in a way as seen in the crystal
structure determined for the small molecule ligand. When I generated
the .top and .param files, I usually could not define the bond between
metal and the be
Thank you so much for all you guys' replies, It looks like APS is a
realistic option, I have been to 23ID D before, I didn't know they now have
the micro focus capability. Thanks again for all your help!
On 7/20/07, Martin Austin Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
very true ...and t
Hi, all
I am working with this protein that only gives very thin needle crystals
(25micron by 25 micron by 100-200micron) despite of various atempts to make
it bigger, I am wondering if anybody here has any information as to where I
can find a micro-focus beamline that will work on tiny needle cr