Hi, all

I am refining a structure that has a metal-benzene coordination bond,
usually the pdb was constructed in a way as seen in the crystal
structure determined for the small molecule ligand. When I generated
the .top and .param files, I usually could not define the bond between
metal and the benzene since there is no specific atom this bond is
supposed to be associated with. For most of the time it works ok in
the refinement, the geometry remains reasonably constant, but in one
of the structures I am refining, minimization keeps pushing the
benzene away from the metal to a distance that is too far for
coordination bond formation. I am guessing it is because there is not
enough restraining descriptions in the .top and .param files to hold
these two together. That is why I am wondering if there is anybody who
knows how to deal with this kind of bond in cns refinement? But it
could also be due to some other reasons that I am not aware of for
now. Any information will be highly appreciated. Thanks!



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