The XFEL Hub at Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire UK, has two positions open:
1) Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA, up to three years duration) and
2) Beamline Scientist (Full time / Permanent).
Both will address time-resolved, dynamic structural biology. We are eager to
work with you
The XFEL Hub at Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire UK, has a Postdoctoral
Research Associate position open (three years duration) to address
time-resolved, dynamic structural biology. We are eager to work with you on
serial crystallography correlated with X-ray emission spectroscopy with
“… Liv[ing] Crystallography” implies leveraging dynamics through time-resolved
studies… But, competing for beamtime at synchrotrons and XFELs can restrict
access to those systems that pass PRP scrutiny and likely have multi-method
preliminary data from crystalline samples/slurries. However,
I’d like to draw your attention to the Launch Meeting of the UK-XFEL Conceptual
Design and Options Analysis (Oct 2022-Sept 2025) to be held at The Royal
Society, London on the 30th of January 2023. Details, agenda, and registration
are in the message from Paul Aden below.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thanks James, for organising our last GRC meeting.
In the past few years, I’ve also attended one or more Annual BioXFEL
International Conferences (open, but ending?) and Ringberg Workshop on Science
with FELs (by invitation only). Both were excellent meetings held in the
winter, complement
This is a reminder that today is the deadline for abstracts to the 33rd
European Crystallographic Meeting. The meeting will be held at the recently
refurbished Music Conservatory and Congress Centre in Versailles, close to
Paris, between 23rd and 27th of August 2022.
Jean-Paul Itié, Sylvai
I’m pleased to alert you to this job opening, and that in accordance with the
law and good practice, we particularly welcome applications from suitably
qualified women and other underrepresented groups.
Beamline Scientist – XFEL Hub at Diamond Light Source
Harwell Science and Innovation
To whom it may concern,
To explore the UK and International community appetite for a next generation
XFEL we are conducting this survey to gather information and sample support for
the UK XFEL project (which seeks to deliver such next generation capability).
X-ray free electron lasers (XFELS) h