[ccp4bb] TLS refinement in phenix

2010-06-30 Thread Mirage Singh Baliyan
Dear all, I am refining a structure at 2.25 A using Phenix.refine. I am using TLS parameters for refinement but as i use TLS, phenix does individual anisotropic refinemnt also. Is there some setting by which i can close anisotropic refinment? Looking forward for your answers. Regards Mirage sin

[ccp4bb] High R and Rfree factors

2010-02-15 Thread Mirage Singh Baliyan
Dear all, I am working on a structure with resolution up to 2.7 Ang.in space group P43212. I am able to fit two molecules of this 10 Kd protein in the asymmetric unit using PHASER, however the solvent content was only 30 % and matthews coefficient was around 1.70. After molecular replaceme