Best Regards
Marcus Fislage, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
Columbia University
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Lab of Joachim Frank
New York, NY
Phone: 212.305.9524
Fax: 212.305.9500
> Edward A. Berry wrote:
> What about collecting in the corners of a square detector?
> Due to the crystal diffracting better than expected or
> the need to sacrifice resolution for spot separation?
This is actually our reason that we have problem. The strategy initially
suggested lower re
Are we right to do so or would you disagree?
Thanks for any input
Marcus Fislage
Structural Biology Brussels
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Structural Biology, VIB
Oefenplein, Gebouw E
Pleinlaan 2,
1050 Brussel
Tel: +32-2-629 18 51
Email : marcus.fisl...@vib
Dear Abraham,
after you added all TER signal and have all rows with atom number present you
can use pdbset to renumber all atoms. For this take care that you call first
your TER signal ATOM (otherwise this row will be deleted).
- Original Message -
From: protein chem
Dear all,
I might excuse myself for the silly question but it is the first time I
solve an x-ray structure.
After modell building in coot and running of refmac with restrained
refinement I have the problem that the pdb output file contains
distances between e.g. ILE Cb and Cg that are so long tha