Dear Pedro,
What a stupid error they have in Blend!
I also had the same problem when using Blend and I fixed it by just editing
that That code just concentrates two strings into
one, so what you need is to change every string.join line e.g.
Hello Shenyuan,
I noticed STARANISO processd the data all the way down to 1.7A, with very poor
stats on high resolution shell. I have two suggesstions:
1.You may want to reivse the raw images to check the anisotropy (that all spots
are distributed in an flat ellipse).
2. If you can scale&mer
Dear Sayan,
I argree with Eleanor that P222 and C2 cannot been reindexed from each other
and I wonder how did you get these two results at the same time. You may want
to look into your data processing steps.
First, let's check how many points are indexed for each spacegroup. Are they
like 40%
Hi Mudassar,
The good new is that the data looks fine according to my experience and there
are several ways to improve.
The first thing I noticed in your aimless log is: "Anisotropic deltaB A^2:
50.24". This indicates severe anisotropy in your diffraction data. You may
consider to use some ani
processed in equivalent space groups such as C2 vs I2 vs F2.
Thanks again for your help.
Lande Fu
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Dear Randy, Eleanor and Jon,
Thank you for your kind rely. I apologize for about the tutorial files. I
actually got it from my institution's sever and did not check the link. Thanks
to Randy we now have the correct link.
To John:
I did put the correct domain 1 chain A and domain 2 chain B as