Re: [ccp4bb] C6 Webtool

2023-01-18 Thread Janet Newman
x27;t often get email from Learn why this is important<> Hi all and a belated Happy New Year, I was wondering if any of you noticed that the C6 Webtool from Janet Newman ( is disco

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestion of crystallization optimization

2018-06-04 Thread Janet Newman
ated cells if you are in a mammalian expression system. 8. Try the same protein from other species Janet Newman Principal Scientist / Director, Collaborative Crystallisation Centre (C3) CSIRO Material Science and Engineering 343 Royal Parade Parkville. VIC. 3052 Australia Tel +613 9662 7326 Email

Re: [ccp4bb] Removing tartrate ions from the active site

2018-04-22 Thread Janet Newman
Given that your tartrate crystals diffract so much better than your non-tartrate crystals, and tartrate is found in the active site, you might think that tartrate binding in the active site is related to the good diffraction of your crystals. Soaking out a bound tartrate is going to be hard, wh

Re: [ccp4bb] Help needed finding hit condition

2017-07-31 Thread Janet Newman
?Hi Jonathan, Hopefully you know about the trick of making any precious condition last longer - use the 'magic' solution only in the drop itself, and use the best approximation you can make in the reservoir of the experiment (if you are doing vapour diffusion) Regards, Janet Ja

Re: [ccp4bb] preparing DL-Malic acid stock solution

2017-06-08 Thread Janet Newman
The way I have done it (and it was sort of fun in a mad scientist way) was to mix up solid DL-malic acid and sodium hydroxide in the right amounts and add water as needed. This generates of heat, but gets around the solubility minimum which is impossible to get out of: I mixed 40.23 g of DL-m

Re: [ccp4bb] [ccp4bb] protein precipitation reg

2017-03-29 Thread Janet Newman
Just to point out that whatever buffer you purify your protein into is possibly not the one that will keep your protein happiest. We had the opportunity of testing about 250 proteins in DSF against 26 different buffer / salt combinations (in triplicate, with lots of controls) and found out that

[ccp4bb] App that might be useful - CINDER

2015-10-26 Thread Janet Newman
Hi All, We have become quite interested in autoscoring of images of crystallization droplets (I think everyone goes through this stage, most grow out of it eventually) and as part of our work we wanted to develop a well-scored set of images to use as a training set for machine learning approach

Re: [ccp4bb] Formulation of my own mother liquor

2014-11-21 Thread Janet Newman
Generally one will make this up from stock solutions: Make up 1 M Tris chloride pH 8 1 M magnesium chloride 50 % (weight/volume) PEG 6K Then mix these together in the right ratios (for 1 mL) 100 uL 1 M tris solution 200 uL 1 M MgCl2 solution 400 uL 50% PEG solution 300 uL water. Janet

[ccp4bb] Australasian Course in Macromolecular Crystallisation

2013-08-31 Thread Janet Newman
might be interested. Regards, Janet Dr Janet Newman Principal Scientist | C3 Facility Manager Materials Science and Engineering CSIRO Phone: +61 3 9662 7326 | Fax: +61 3 9662 7101 | | | Address: 343 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA

Re: [ccp4bb] database of crystallization condition

2013-07-24 Thread Janet Newman
creen, you have to wonder (as Enrico points out) how these can work, as the bits that change the most in any protein family are the outside bits (ie, away from the active site) and thus are generally the parts going to affect crystallisation the most. Janet Janet Newman Principal Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] cryo condition

2013-05-23 Thread Janet Newman
I would try 2.5M or 3M sodium malonate pH 7 Janet Newman Principal Scientist / Director, Collaborative Crystallisation Centre CSIRO Material Science and Engineering 343 Royal Parade Parkville. VIC. 3052 Australia Tel +613 9662 7326 Email

Re: [ccp4bb] Off-topic: Fungal growth in robot trays

2013-03-09 Thread Janet Newman
We add 0.02% Azide to all the water used for washing in our Phoenix, and that seems to help. Janet Newman Principal Scientist / Director, Collaborative Crystallisation Centre CSIRO Material Science and Engineering 343 Royal Parade Parkville. VIC. 3052 Australia Tel +613 9662 7326 Email

Re: [ccp4bb] Your suggestions needed: Difficulties in reproducing HT crystallization conditions. Thanks!

2010-11-23 Thread Janet Newman
round) since the screening. Regards, Janet Dr Janet Newman Principal Scientist | C3 Facility Manager Materials Science and Engineering CSIRO Phone: +61 3 9662 7326 | Fax: +61 3 9662 7101 | | | Address: 343 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052 AUST

Re: [ccp4bb] Mysterious density

2010-09-03 Thread Janet Newman
Hi Jin, Could it be the wrong amino acid in the sequence? Have you sequenced the gene construct that you used? The codon usage for HIS is CAC or CAU, and for TYR is UAC or UAU. - Cheers, Janet From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Be

Re: [ccp4bb] Questions about cryoprotectant

2009-10-07 Thread Janet Newman
One thing to do here is to work out where you have your problem. Is the crystal mosaic after you have introduced your potential cryo solutions, but still at room temperature? If it is, there is very little chance (snowballs in hell type chance) that it will get less mosaic when you flash cool

Re: [ccp4bb] Help with improving these crystals

2009-09-09 Thread Janet Newman
Hi One of the easiest things to try is in-situ proteolysis - chymotrypsin (1:1000 or so, we add 1ul of a 1mg/ml solution of chymotrypsin in H20 to about 100ul of protein solution) is the classic - mix the protease with the protein and then set up as normal. Of course you can try other protease

Re: [ccp4bb] Axygen MS-100 plate sealer: user comments?

2009-07-29 Thread Janet Newman
Hi, I used the Axygen sealer for more than a year, and it worked fine. A couple of caveats - The sealer is cheaper than many automated sealers, but the seals are pre-cut, and are more expensive. If you are sloppy laying the seal over the plate it is relatively easy to not seal one edge (or t

Re: [ccp4bb] needles not improved

2008-07-01 Thread Janet Newman
You could try the matrix seeding method, popularised by Allan D'Arcy et al (Acta Cryst. (2007). D63, 550-554) Crush up your needles, and use them to seed into a new round of screening. You may be able to jump into a new crystal system this way Janet -Original Message- From: CCP4 bulle

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] crystallisation robot

2008-04-14 Thread Janet Newman
We have both a Phoenix and a Mosquito - for one-subwell 96 well plate both are under 3 minutes from the time you put the first droplet down until you have to seal the plate. The actual protocols take longer (particularly on the Phoenix) as you have to wash, transfer reservoir etc. We manage to fi

Re: [ccp4bb] Crystal Imaging Systems - possibilities and recommendations

2008-01-21 Thread Janet Newman
Do you want an imager, or a more sophisticated system that will store plates and image them according to a schedule? With imaging, it is important to think about what you want out of the system, as it is easy to be disappointed with them. The images you get will not be as good as what you see

Re: [ccp4bb] crystallization robot

2008-01-10 Thread Janet Newman
I bought a replacement Cartesian Tip (in Australia) on the 8th of october, 2007 and got charged $660 AUD (of which 60 bucks was the GST tax) - on the 8th of october, the AUD-USD exchange rate was 0.8956, so that would be $537 USD, which is quite a long way from both '$700' and 'under $300'. The t

Re: [ccp4bb] crystallization robot

2008-01-09 Thread Janet Newman
e aliquoted out into 8 separate puddles. The Cartesian was always a bitch to get running, so given the other two machines, it sits and collects dust. Anybody want to start negotiating for a (slightly) used Cartesian? Janet Janet Newman CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies 343 Royal Pa

Re: [ccp4bb] [Fwd: Re: [ccp4bb] Expired Crystallization Screening? - what about to freeze ?]

2007-12-27 Thread Janet Newman
The problem with old solutions is not their age as much as they might be very hard to reproduce, as you won't exactly know what you have. (for all the reasons that have been mentioned: evapouration, degradation, pH shifts, mould growth, contamination from people using the wrong pipette tip in a di