Generally one will make this up from stock solutions:

Make up
1 M Tris chloride pH 8
1 M magnesium chloride
50 % (weight/volume) PEG 6K

Then mix these together in the right ratios

(for 1 mL)

100 uL 1 M tris solution
200 uL 1 M MgCl2 solution
400 uL 50% PEG solution
300 uL water.

Janet Newman
Principal Scientist / Director, Collaborative Crystallisation Centre
CSIRO Material Science and Engineering
343 Royal Parade
Parkville.  VIC. 3052
Tel +613 9662 7326
From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of amro selem 
Sent: 22 November 2014 03:48
Subject: [ccp4bb] Formulation of my own mother liquor

Dear All,
first i wish you nice weekend, then i wanna ask about formulation of my own 
mother liquor, i want to optimize a condition containing
 0.2m MgCl2, 0.1m Tris , PH 8; and 20% PEG6K as pricipitant. (PACT)
the question is , should i make a stock solution from every ingredient by 
dissolving it in miliQ water. then mix all stuff  together  and add water till 
final concentration with out adjusting final pH. OR dissolve the PEG in pH 
adjusted buffer and then mix all ingredients , so the final pH will be 8.
any suggest any idea or any one knows what the company do.

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