s. I tried both ZnCl2 and Zn
> acetate the effect is same.
> I dont know why this Zn in not compatible with HEPES.
> Could you please tell me why is this?
> I appreciate your help.
> Thanks
> Rajesh
James Kiefer, Ph.D.
Structural Biology
Genentech, Inc.
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James Kiefer, Ph.D.
Structural Biology
Genentech, Inc.
1 DNA Way, Mailstop 27
South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990
indicated that you had no diffraction yet. Does
that mean you have crystals??? If so, what percent of your produced
protein is the putative zinc finger region? If it is high, and you
already have crystals, then you may be searching for a problem that
does not exist.
James Kiefer, Ph.D
t; in
> the recent curmudgeonry postings.
> ***
> Jacob Pearson Keller
> Northwestern University
> Medical Scientist Training Program
> email: j-kell...@northwestern.edu
> ***
James Kiefer, Ph.D.
Structural Biology
Genentech, Inc.
1 DNA Way, Mailstop 27
South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990
candidates with a track record of success in challenging systems such as
membrane proteins, multi-domain proteins, or protein:protein (or
protein:nucleic acid) complexes.
Please encourage qualified candidates to apply to the Genentech website
(details below).
All the best,
James Kiefer, Ph.D