There are review articles on various motifs.  I think that I remember
that you can also find motifs via sequence or structure classes on
places like SWISSPROT/EXPASY.  A quick search of PUBMED did not
produce a single-source paper listing the various motifs...and there
are several.  Biochemistry texts will list a few motifs but will be
far from exhaustive.

Adding Zinc acetate to your fermentation and being careful not to use
EDTA/EGTA in the prep may give you a more definitive answer.
Similarly, DTT and TCEP can be good chelators of metals, so I would
avoid those.

Your initial comment indicated that you had no diffraction yet.  Does
that mean you have crystals???  If so, what percent of your produced
protein is the putative zinc finger region?  If it is high, and you
already have crystals, then you may be searching for a problem that
does not exist.


James Kiefer, Ph.D.
Structural Biology
Genentech, Inc.
1 DNA Way,  Mailstop 27
South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990

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