Dear Friends,
I have been trying to purify a protein (27 kDa) which has a sumo plus 6 His-tag
at N-ter giving totaly a 45 kDa protein.
This protein does not express without sumo tag and has a poly basic tail (Arg
and Lys) at its N-ter. It does polymerize at acidic pHs.
When I tried to purify it
Dear pals,
Sorry for my off-topic question but its been a while I am challenging to get a
15 kDa protein coated on CM5 chip. Calculated PI of protein is 5.9 & I tried
Acetate buffer pH5.2 and 3.8 for coating under normal procedure of Biacore.
After immobilization I saw this message: response lev
Dear Friends,
I am trying to crystalize a 70 kDa nasty protein but I got plate shape
crystals with high mosaicity and useless diffraction (up to 4A).
I tried to improve/optimize crystallization but either I got the same or
nothing. I tried seeding but I had so many crystals without any improve
I apologise for off topic question. I wonder if anybody knows a good
buffer/condition for promega protev?
I need to remove his-tag from my sensitive mamalian protein which does not
like the NaCl concentration less than 300mM.
Dear Friends,
Does anyone know how to control the polymerization of G-actin to F-actin?
I need F-actin with <100 DP (degree of polymerization).
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Dear friends,
I am sorry for off-topic though it may be related indirectly!
I mutated a 60kDa protein (changing from X-->Pro). After doing all the steps,
I sequenced the expression vector. It seems everything is fine, even with
promoter, but, I can't express it. I tried different Tempratures,
Dear Friends,
I have noticed an issue in a pdb file, the term "insertion code".
Does anyone know anything about it? what is it used for?
Thanks in Advance,
Jahan Alikhajeh, Ph.D,
Technical Supervisor,
MAN Corporation LTD,
Keshavarz Boulevard,
Ghods Avenue No. 41,
5th Flo