But, the mistakes in the retracted work could have been avoided easily if
the person did the structure spent some efforts to understand/know what
he/she is doing! or if the authors asked for some help from professionals.
Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
I agree. It is very unlikely to be Magnesium ion; may be an ordered water!
I'd recommend to have a look at the following paper which discusses the
different properties of Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+.
Charles W. Bock, Amy Kaufman Katz, George D. Markham, and Jenny P.
Glusker. Manganese as a replaceme
Hi Arpit,
You can use PEI (polyethyleneimine). Adding PEI at low conc. (e.g. 0.25%)
after cell lysis should precipitate most of the DNA. Note, it is best to do
the addition step-wise at 4 deg with gentle steering over a period of time
10-15 min or so.
On 5/12/10 10:20 AM, "Tim Gr
> might be a good idea, as there can be
> other cases (with another couple of thousand papers citing them..).
> tommi
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Ibrahim Moustafa wrote:
>> "After a thorough examination of the available data, which included a
Hi all,
I want to share the following e-mail received from pdb-l.
It is sad to see something like that!
-- Forwarded Message
From: Michael Sadowski
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 04:22:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: pdb-l: Retraction of 12 Structures
Dear All,
Better che
Nadir Mrabet
> Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet
> Cellular & Molecular Biochemistry
> INSERM U-724
> Nancy University, School of Medicine
> 9, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184
> 54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex
> France
> Phone: +33 (0)
Yes, it is electrostatic interaction. But when searching for a salt-bridge
in a protein structure it won't be considered a significant non-bonded
interactions at 8 A distance. Also, the electrostatic interaction extends
beyond 8 A. For a significant interaction the distance need to be < 8A.
You can find more information about salt-bridges in the following
1) Ion-pairs in Proteins. JMB, 168, 867-885 (1983) - Thornton
2) Investigation of Salt Bridge Stability in a Generalized Born solvent
model. JCTC, 2, 115-127 (2006) - Carlos Simmerling
3) Evaluation of Salt Bri
what mentioned by Jose, I should say that I can see spots below
15 A resolution (not that clear in the posted picture).
Again, thanks for your inputs...I¹ll keep trying to move away form this
salty crystal.
On 4/3/08 3:58 PM, "Ibrahim Moustafa" <[EMAIL PROT