to potential candidates in your respective institutes/universities.
Best wishes
Estelle Mossou
Institut Laue-Langevin,
71 Avenue des Martyrs
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
email: mos...@ill.fr
organizing committee
M. Blakeley, T. Forsyth, A. Martel, E. Mossou, T. Nylander
Estelle Mossou
Institut Laue-Langevin,
71 Avenue des Martyrs
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
email: mos...@ill.fr <mailto:mos...@ill.fr>
Tel: +33(0) 476209441
expected to be an exciting meeting.
Best wishes,
The organizing committee M. Blakeley, O.Byron, T. Forsyth, G. Fragneto, F.
Gabel, M. Haertlein, A. Martel, E. Mitchell, E. Mossou, T. Nylander, J.
ps: apologies if you get multiple versions of this mail
Estelle Mossou
Life sciences
Dear all,
This is the second announcement for the Neutrons in Biology and Biotechnology
meeting which will be held at the Institut Laue Langevin on the 19th - 21st
February 2014.
The programme has an exciting list of speakers and concludes with an open
ILL/PSB colloquium from Tim Hunt (Nobel