Dear all, This is the first announcement for the Neutrons in Structural Biology meeting which will be held at the Institut Laue Langevin (Grenoble - FRANCE) on the 7 - 9th June 2017.
The meeting will seek to combine people that are relatively new to neutron scattering with other researchers that are more experienced, as well as people from complementary disciplines. It will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental structural biology, discuss the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered as well as for the instruments required. Invited speakers include: L. Arleth (DK) T. Carlomagno (DE) M. Cardenas (SE) L. Clifton (UK) J. Gavira (ES) A. Imberty (FR) J. Lakey (UK) S. Maric (SE) A.Ostermann (DE) M. Weik (FR) Further details will be available soon with registration and abstract submission deadlines. Best wishes, The organizing committee M. Blakeley, T. Forsyth, A. Martel, E. Mossou, T. Nylander ---- Estelle Mossou Institut Laue-Langevin, 71 Avenue des Martyrs 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France email: <> Tel: +33(0) 476209441