[ccp4bb] MiTeGen microscopes

2013-03-26 Thread Cory Brooks
I'm curious does anyone have any experience with MiTeGen's line of Zeiss stereomiscrocopes for looking at crystal plates? Cheers, Cory

[ccp4bb] Bicelle Crystallization in a Gryphon Robot

2012-02-16 Thread Cory Brooks
? Cheers, Cory Cory Brooks,Ph.D. University of Alberta Postdoctoral Fellow

[ccp4bb] Lysis of Pichia pastoris

2010-11-02 Thread Cory Brooks
I am wondering what other people out there use to lyse their Pichia? In particular we have been considering a microfluidizer a Retsch mixer mill a TS-series cell disruptor (Constans systems) Any thoughts on these options, or other systems would be much appreciated! Best regards, Cory Cory Brooks