improve performance.
> In these conditions full CCP4 (or everything I tried at least) can work
> relatively seamlessly in windows while using the linux version.
> (it actually works better than the actual windows version imho)
> Clément
> On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 14:56,
At the moment I am struggling a bit to have it to compile under
But the pre release version included in the ccpem nightly 20200327 is
working well, it is a bit laggy when showing maps and you end up having to
decrease the map radius a bit.
but overall it is perfectly usable.
The co
tried at least) can work
relatively seamlessly in windows while using the linux version.
(it actually works better than the actual windows version imho)
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 14:56, Clement Degut
> Immediate update :
> If you use VcXserv, you need to start it with al
for some reason, it must change another option somewhere.
doing that the display of coot is perfectly fine, just a bit laggy, as i
guess it's full software render, but usable (with a beefy CPU).
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 14:48, Clement Degut
> The performance are massively
ows X server.
I'll update if I find a solution.
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 13:31, Paul Emsley wrote:
> On 19/03/2020 12:43, Clement Degut wrote:
> >
> > I have been recently trying to use ccp4 in windows subsystem for Linux 2
> (Ubuntu distribution), everything i
t what the ok values for Rwork, Rfree and Rfree-Rwork (as
> function of resolution) while it is much less clear (to me at least) when
> it comes to CCwork/CCfree.
> I think phenix.refine used to report CCwork/CCfree in some releases but I
> removed it as useless.
> All the best,
Hi all,
This probably have already be discussed, but can't find trace of it :
Is there any reason I am not aware of that refinement software (thinking of
both phenix and refmac) do not output CC work / free ?
We all accepted CC 1/2 for resolution cut (whether it's 30 or 10 %) which
tend to lead to