Re: [ccp4bb] 3D Structure Search

2018-02-16 Thread Briggs, David C
Also, TopSearch CAME - TopSearch :: Structure Search Sequence Analysis Highlight identical residues Jmol Mode HTML5 Java. Cite TopSearch © Dave == Dr David C Brig

Re: [ccp4bb] question regarding sequence numbering

2017-09-19 Thread Briggs, David C
Hi Tony, When I've had similar issues, I've numbered them sequentially (i.e. 7,8,9) and remarked in the PDB header that they are vector-derived sequence. I believe that is what the PDB ask you to do in situations like this (maybe they can comment?). If they are not numbered sequentially, then

Re: [ccp4bb] NMR or Homology Model as a MR model

2017-08-29 Thread Briggs, David C
Dear Nishant, You can use anything you want as a molecular replacement search model including NMR models/ensembles or homology models. Whether or not it will be successful is another matter! For borderline cases, some have reported success using Phaser in combination with the Rosetta modelling

Re: [ccp4bb] Best method for carbohydrate refinement

2017-07-28 Thread Briggs, David C
The latest versions of COOT have a nifty carbohydrate building module for N-linked glycans, and Buccaneer can do carbohydrate validation ( see appropriate manuals ). This article also highlights some of the issues and pitfalls you might encounter.

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein rapidly precipitates when off ice

2017-07-13 Thread Briggs, David C
Hi Chris, What is the theoretical pI of your protein? If it is around pH 7.5, you might try gel filtering your protein into a different buffer/pH combination. Try changing by at least 1 pH unit in either direction. If the pI isn't a problem, then you might try try solubility screening as outli

Re: [ccp4bb] weird diffraction pattern

2017-07-13 Thread Briggs, David C
Hi, I'd need to see more processing stats to figure out your data issues. Streaky spots in certain directions can be indicative of anisotropy and/or lattice disorders. However, if your Rfree is above 0.5, it is likely that your molecular replacement solution is poor/bad/wrong. HTH, Dave --

Re: [ccp4bb] long loop

2017-07-05 Thread Briggs, David C
I know that this might be considered heresy on a crystallography mailing list, but do you have any friendly NMRists at your institution? D Dr David C Briggs Hohenester Lab Department of Life Sciences Imperial College London UK

Re: [ccp4bb] Correcting 3-letter codes based on protonation states in a PDB file

2017-06-28 Thread Briggs, David C
I believe the ProPka or Pdb2pqr webservers can do this. HTH, Dave -- Dr David C Briggs Hohenester Lab Department of Life

Re: [ccp4bb] mystery disappearance of CCP4 website(s)

2017-05-25 Thread Briggs, David C works for me, (from Sunny London). Maybe it was just a glitch in the matrix? Dr David C Briggs Hohenester Lab Department of Life Sciences Imperial College London UK From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf

Re: [ccp4bb] Cys modification - deciding between CSS and SMC

2017-05-21 Thread Briggs, David C
Hi Mohamed, Did you try CSO or CSD? I've seen oxidation of Cys residues in the active site of Cysteine-dependent Phosphatases before. In addition, oxidation is more easily explainable than CSS and SMC, especially if reducing agents were omitted from final purification steps. HTH, Dave -- Dr

Re: [ccp4bb] BSA as additive

2017-05-08 Thread Briggs, David C
(Sorry... over-enthusiastic sending) As for an actual reference - I'm not sure. It's a bit like lab folk-lore. Dave Dr David C Briggs Hohenester Lab Department of Life Sciences Imperial College London UK From: CCP4 bulletin

Re: [ccp4bb] BSA as additive

2017-05-08 Thread Briggs, David C
Hello, I've seen BSA used to "block" membranes of centrifugal concentrators when proteins were sticking to them. It appeared to work (proteins could be concentrated with less loss), but I'm not sure how much BSA ends up in your sample. I can imagine the answer is "a bit" and therefore for s