Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Jon Cooper
What type of Rfree flags do you have? The CCP4 flags will be a random integer between 0 and 19, with 0 being used for the free set. Reminding myself: "Phenix uses the CNS/XPLOR convention for R-free flags, where 1 marks the test set and 0 the "working" set." Shelx is different, too, but that pro

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Dom Bellini
Dear Justin, Be careful of the reported “fill-in” effect of unobserved data by some refinement programs (not sure if this is your case or even if it was, whether it may cause the Rfactor to be identical) when using anisotropic cut-off. It is documentated here: https://staraniso.globalphasing.

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Rasmus Fogh
Dear All, In addition to Paul Adams point, I would note that people have sometimes been confused by different definitions of completeness and resolution when looking at Staraniso data, particularly if there is significant anisotropy. It would be worth checking not only which shell but which d

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Paul Adams
By setting wxc (weight of the X-ray term) to 0.1 there is good chance that the refinement is dominated by the geometry term and the model isn’t really seeing the effect of the X-ray data. I suspect this would result in R-factors that are similar. Why they are so low is less clear, but as others

Re: [ccp4bb] Superimposition save as PDB for ccp4 refmac question

2024-02-28 Thread Marco Bravo
This worked Thanks! To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing

[ccp4bb] mixture

2024-02-28 Thread Marius Schmidt
Dear All, can someone quickly update me with a way to refine a mixture of structures in refmac or phenix. For example, the mixture consists of 80 % structure 1 and 20 % structure 2. It is important that structure 1 is kept fixed (is not refined) and only structure 2 is varied. Best Marius Marius

Re: [ccp4bb] Superimposition save as PDB for ccp4 refmac question

2024-02-28 Thread Harry Powell
Hi Marco You could always try the CCP4 tools (since this is the CCP4 BB…) “superpose” or “gesamt” to superpose (or is it “superimpose”? discuss…). Harry > On 28 Feb 2024, at 00:53, Marco Bravo wrote: > > Hello all, > Does anyone know how to save a superimposed pymol or chimerax session as a

[ccp4bb] Cryo-EM Facility Manager, Montana State University

2024-02-28 Thread Lawrence, C Martin
Dear Colleagues, Montana State University (Bozeman Montana) seeks a manager for our cryo-TEM Core Facility ( The facility currently houses a 200 kV Talos Arctica cryo-TEM equipped with a Gatan K3 direct electron detector, a cryo-capable 120 k

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well REFMAC tells you how many reflections are used.. And if you do mtzdmp data.mtz that will tell you too.. With such low completeness R factors are pretty meaningless - you must have many more parameters than observations so that does often give low Rfactors.. On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 16:21, Jus

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Justin Cruite
Thanks everyone, I agree, 18.4% Rwork and Rfree is too good to be true for a 3.4 Å dataset. The data was processed using autoProc and the staranisano mtz was used for MR. The completeness is only 38%. It could be that the Rfree and Rwork reflection sets are small because of this? What is the best

[ccp4bb] PDRA: Electron and X-ray crystallography of protein nanocrystals - Diamond Light Source

2024-02-28 Thread Warren, Anna (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Dear all, We have an exciting opportunity within the MX group at Diamond Light Source for a highly motivated PDRA to carry out their own innovative research in the development of new methods and their application to structure determination by electron and X-ray diffraction of protein nanocryst

Re: [ccp4bb] Superimposition save as PDB for ccp4 refmac question

2024-02-28 Thread Keitaro Yamashita
Dear Marco, > Refmac: Input coordinate file is not complete Probably the CRYST1 record (unit cell and space group information) is missing in your pdb file. You could copy this from another pdb file (and may need to correct it). Best regards, Keitaro On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 09:54, Marco Bravo wr

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread nicfoos
Hello Justin, There is something weird in your results. You mention Rwork/Rfree of 0.1837. This means a pretty good refinement and also is very unusual to be obtain for a resolution of 3.37. Additionally you should not have Rfree = Rwork. I suspect something wrong with you Rfree reflections se

Re: [ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - it is extremely surprising! How many reflections are there in the "work" set (Rwork) and the "free" set (Rfree)? I suspect that somehow all the reflections are in both sets?? Eleanor On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 15:11, Justin Cruite wrote: > Hi everyone, > > > > What does it mean if your Rwork

[ccp4bb] Rwork and Rfree the same?

2024-02-28 Thread Justin Cruite
Hi everyone, What does it mean if your Rwork and Rfree are exactly the same? I solved a 3.37 Å structure with Phaser-MR and immediately ran 10 cycles of refinement with wxc = 0.1. Everything else at default. The Rwork and Rfree are both 0.1837. Is this bad? Thank you! Justin ##

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position in Antibody Design of Ion Channel modulators

2024-02-28 Thread Paul Miller
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher position to study antibody design and molecular mechanisms of modulation of ion channels. You will be part of the Modular Activator and Silencer Therapeutics (MAST) team developing novel platforms of antibodies, E3 ligase-mediated degraders,