When I start coot on Mac there are several warnings:
/Applications/ccp4-8.0/coot_py2/bin/coot: line 81:
/Applications/ccp4-8.0/coot_py2/bin/ccp4.setup-sh: No such file or directory
WARNING:: Coot REFMAC dictionary override COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIRfailed to find a
dictionary /Applications/ccp4-8.0/coo
Dear CCP4 & CCPEM communities,
The NIH-wide search for tenure-track researchers has now opened for this year
with a closing date of the 30th of September
I’d particularly like to encourage peop
Dear Cryo EM,
In general, if you bring the two atoms at approximatively the correct distance
and do a real space refinement or regularization, a bond should be generated.
However, there are caveats:
1. Do the nucleotides belong to the same chain? If they belong to different
chains, they will