Dear CCP4 & CCPEM communities, The NIH-wide search for tenure-track researchers has now opened for this year with a closing date of the 30th of September ( I’d particularly like to encourage people with an interest in methods development to apply to this well resourced program as I’d like to identify such candidates for my Branch! This call will cover a broad range of science but in the Center for Structural Biology of the NCI we are particularly interested in identifying candidates who work very broadly in the area of structural biology methods - from modeling to mass spectrometry, via the more canonical methods.
These fellowships are well resourced and fund both generous start-up resources, 3-4 core funded group members, access to the broader range of instrumentation within the research institute and membership of the wonderful NIH institute research community. If anyone is interested in discussing whether the Center for Structural Biology would be a good venue to begin their independent career please reach out to me to discuss! A very high percentage of candidates achieve tenure within a 5-7 year time frame within their chosen institute. Please forward this call to others who might be interested. All the best Susan Susan M. Lea D.Phil., F.Med.Sci, F.R.S.<> +1-301-846-5016 Chief Center for Structural Biology Center for Cancer Research National Cancer Institute Frederick, MD21701-1201, USA [cid:clip_image001.png] ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This message was issued to members of, a mailing list hosted by, terms & conditions are available at