Re: [ccp4bb] Can twinning be seen in the diffraction pattern?

2021-03-17 Thread Navdeep Sidhu
PS: For a microscopically visible example in proteins, see the lovely cubic insulin interpenetrating non-merohedral twin crystallized by Madhumati Sevvana (Fig. 11a; thankfully open-access article): Madhumati Sevvana, Michael Ruf, Isabel Uson, George M. Sheldrick and Regine Herbst-Irmer. Non-meroh

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2021-03-17 Thread John Berrisford
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[ccp4bb] Enhanced Validation of Small-Molecule Ligands and Carbohydrates

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Re: [ccp4bb] Can twinning be seen in the diffraction pattern?

2021-03-17 Thread Navdeep Sidhu
Far as I understand, twins may or may not have macroscopically recognizable features. Macroscopic (and microscopic) features like face angles, reaction on etching, polarization of light, etc. can sometimes indicate twinning for at least a subset of cases, e.g. in diamond, some forms of quartz, etc.

Re: [ccp4bb] Can twinning be seen in the diffraction pattern?

2021-03-17 Thread DUMAS Philippe (IGBMC)
It seems to me that it is legitimate to refer to what you describe as "twinning". That's the difference between merohedral and non-merohedral twinning. What you describe is non-merohedral twinning. In fact twinning has been (re)discovered by most of the biological community after the remarkable

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position at ICTER in Warsaw, Poland

2021-03-17 Thread Humberto Fernandes
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Re: [ccp4bb] Can twinning be seen in the diffraction pattern?

2021-03-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yes Ana, I agree although some non-merihedrals where the accident of cell dimensions mean many spots can overlap but not quite exactly can seem a bit smeary and "multiple. Meridral twins do not usually look multiple - they are usually only revealed by the 2nd moment and other stats.. Eleanor On We

Re: [ccp4bb] Can twinning be seen in the diffraction pattern?

2021-03-17 Thread Ana Luísa Moreira de Carvalho
Just a short note on this: I often see colleagues using the word “twinning" when referring to a crystal that is actually multiple (not single). I think much confusion arises from this. For me, a twin crystal is the one that looks single under the microscope and only intensity statistics reveal t