[ccp4bb] PhD position at IGBMC

2018-12-12 Thread Helgo Schmidt
Dear all, I’m looking for an enthusiastic PhD student to join my group at IGBMC (http://www.igbmc.fr/research/department/3/team/134/), Strasbourg, France. We are studying the structure and function of the dynein motor protein through an integrated structural biology approach combining x-ray

[ccp4bb] PhD positions in structural biology at the Astbury Centre, University of Leeds

2018-12-12 Thread Joe Cockburn
Dear CCP4BB members, We invite applications for two PhD positions in structural cell biology based partly or entirely at the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds: - *The structure and function of retinal photoreceptor connecting cilium proteins (**Closing date:

[ccp4bb] CCP4 Study Weekend: late addition and last chance to register - Registration extended to midnight Wednesday 12th December (today)!

2018-12-12 Thread Karen McIntyre - UKRI STFC
Just a reminder that registration will close at midnight tonight and you will miss out on one of the last few spaces at the SW for another year! This year there is a MR clinic where delegates can in advance pose their MR problems to our experts and hopefully solve them. Regards Karen McIntyre