On 22/12/2017 16:51, Carter, Charlie wrote:
This is a strange question, even from me.
I’ve an undergraduate working on a project that requires superimposing large
numbers of pdb files. I would like to have him use lsqkab but he is rather
unsophisticated in a computational sense. He is already
This is a strange question, even from me.
I’ve an undergraduate working on a project that requires superimposing large
numbers of pdb files. I would like to have him use lsqkab but he is rather
unsophisticated in a computational sense. He is already using various other
programs, e.g. Pymol, whi
Dear all,
Just before the end of the year break, before the festive season:
The Centre of Molecular Structure (IBT, Biocev, Vestec, Prague area, Czech
Republic, one the the two Instruct CZ and CIISB sites) is organising a course
on April 5 and 6, 2018 (arrival in Vestec on April 4, departure on