This is a strange question, even from me. I’ve an undergraduate working on a project that requires superimposing large numbers of pdb files. I would like to have him use lsqkab but he is rather unsophisticated in a computational sense. He is already using various other programs, e.g. Pymol, which he has had to download and install. I’d like to avoid having him install and then learn to set up and use the entire ccp4 suite if he will not need any of the programs except lsqkab. Further, I feel that lsqkab brings functionality to the table that is superior to that in Pymol.
Is there any way to short cut the full CCP4 installation and provide him with a functioning lsqkab module based on my ccp4 installation? In a bit more detail, is there any way to load the necessary dynamic libraries so that lsqkab will work with input pdb files? Thanks, Charlie