Hello everyone:
I would like to draw your attention on the tenured track faculty
position ((https://jobs.sciencecareers.org/job/472001/tenure-tracked-faculty)
in our institute (www.ibc.sinica.edu.tw).
We will soon be equipped with two state-of-art CryoEM (Krios and
Arctica all with K2/K3 detector
Dear Colleagues,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has a great job opportunity for a
computationally oriented crystallographer focused primarily on XFEL and
serial crystallography. The next decade of structural biology at the Linac
Coherent Light Source (LCLS) will include groundbreaking advances in
Posted on behalf of Vassilis Koronakis:
Dear structural biologists,
We have an opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher in my lab in the
School of Biological Sciences, Department of Pathology, University of
Cambridge, UK. The successful applicant will continue our work on
bacterial multidru
Dear All
Morda at ccp4online has been updated.
The structure solution program is improved and database is extended .
The update is also available for existing local Morda installations and can be
installed from command line: change to installation directory (by default
MoRDa_DB) and type ./upd
I generally add Protease inhibitor cocktail in cell lysate (calbiochem set
II) which have almost all required protease inhibitors, and each time I got
the crystal, without any effect due to this. You should be also careful if
your protein itself is a protease as many times people find these