Dear Colleagues,

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has a great job opportunity for a
computationally oriented crystallographer focused primarily on XFEL and
serial crystallography.  The next decade of structural biology at the Linac
Coherent Light Source (LCLS) will include groundbreaking advances in
time-domain protein crystallography, diffuse scattering, and single
particle diffraction, and we are developing scalable methods to make these
advances possible.

We seek a scientist with strong physical and mathematical intuition who can
formulate and code the best algorithms for data processing, and who has the
patience and drive to deal with the many experimental uncertainties and
sources of noise.  Unique challenges including the sheer volume of data,
and the special treatment required for still shots. The successful
candidate will join a team of developers focused on software for new
science, but building on a strong pre-existing software foundation,
including the DIALS and cctbx.xfel toolkits created here (

One focus area is photosystem II, where we use a combination of
time-resolved crystallography and X-ray emission spectroscopy to elucidate
the sequence of redox events leading to the release of molecular oxygen.
Our combined groups (Sauter, Yano, Yachandra, and Kern) are involved in all
aspects of the project, including experimental design and construction,
data collection, software development, and crystallographic analysis.
Another critical area is the examination of other metalloenzymes such as
nitrogenase.  Crystallography can spatially resolve the absorption edges
from distinct metal centers in the catalytic cofactors, and the absorption
spectra will inform us about the electronic environment and valence states
of the atoms.

The projects are funded by a combination of NIH and DOE sources.  We also
have an ongoing DOE-funded collaboration with SLAC, to scale up the
crystallography data analysis pipeline to petascale supercomputers here at
NERSC, and eventually to exascale servers in the next decade.   This is a
great chance for personal growth in a highly collaborative environment, for
candidates who come well prepared with a working knowledge of Python and
C++, and attendant problem-solving skills.

Please address informal questions to and apply at

Best Regards,

Nicholas K. Sauter, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist, Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd., Bldg. 33R0345
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 486-5713

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