Hermes: You dumb stumps. Don't you realize you're being scammed?
Zoidberg: That is low, Hermes. Just because you don't have a body, you
don't want anyone else to be prince of Nigeria. Well, try and stop me from
wiring that money.
Dear all,
Just to point out the obvious (I hope) this is spam and points to a scam
site trying to acquire your Google account password (in case you have one).
Sorry to spam the list, just writing in case anyone stumbles upon it and
thinks it's legit.
Best regards,
On 2016-12-05 14:
Biological Structures Group Winter Meeting 2016: "Seeing the Wood for the Trees
in Structural Biology."
The meeting will be held on Monday 19th Dec 2016 at Birkbeck College, London at
11.00 am.
The aim of the meeting is to glimpse at some of the contemporary approaches for
assembling individual
Oops - I did in fact mean a start date of March 2017! Sorry for any
Thanks to the eagle-eyed Liz Duke for spotting the typo.
best wishes
On 05/12/16 16:40, Arwen Pearson wrote:
We are seeking two exceptional postdoctoral candidates to help develop
a time-resolved endstation at
We are seeking two exceptional postdoctoral candidates to help develop a
time-resolved endstation at the EMBL beamline P14 at PETRA III for ns-ms
time-resolved diffraction experiments that will complement the faster
experiments possible at the soon to be operational neighbouring European
Only a week left to register for CCP4 Study Weekend 2017. Go to to
register before 12 Dec 2016. Only 22 places remaining!
Karen McIntyre
Scientific Computing Department - CCP4
R92 1.22 RCaH
Science & Technology Fac