As I'm sure you've also found, it's not simple to find one [easily
accessible] program that examines and reports every type of
interaction that might be of interest to you. So I'm sending in a
reference to another web-based tool that I've found complementary to
PISA and the others mentioned here. I
A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr.
Matthew Gentry (, in the
Department of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry and Center for Structural
Biology in the College of Medicine at University of Kentucky. The successful
Dear All,
CCP4 has an opening for Scientific Programmer Position in CCP4 Core,
located in Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, in
some 17 miles south from Oxford, United Kingdom. Job advert and link for
on-line applications follow below in this post. If this does not apply