[ccp4bb] "Soft X-rays in MX" session at the IUCr conference 2014

2014-02-06 Thread Manfred S. Weiss
Dear all, at the 23rd IUCr congress (http://www.iucr2014.org/), which will take place in August this year in lovely Montreal, John Rose and I are organizing the microsymposium MS-40 titled "S-SAD and other applications of soft X-rays in MX". If you happen to have an exciting story, which you wou

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestions for cryoprotectant

2014-02-06 Thread Tanner, John J.
Try L-proline. It works well with high ionic strength conditions: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22868767 Sent from Jack's iPad On Feb 6, 2014, at 10:40 PM, "Deepak Thankappan Nair" mailto:deepaktn...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hello, Does anybody know what would be a good cryoprotectant for the

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestions for cryoprotectant

2014-02-06 Thread Edward Snell
You might get some clues from Acta Cryst. (2008). D64, 287-301[ doi:10.1107/S0907444907067613 ] Glycerol concentrations required for the successful vitrification of cocktail conditions in a high-throughput crystallization screen R. Kempkes, et al. and J. Appl. Cryst. (2002). 35, 538-545

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestions for cryoprotectant

2014-02-06 Thread Roger Rowlett
Lots of choices. I usually try the crystallization solution + 30% glucose first. Glycerol or ethylene glycol are other possibilities here. Another possibility is 2.5-3.0 M sodium malonate at a similar pH. Roger Rowlett On Feb 6, 2014 11:40 PM, "Deepak Thankappan Nair" wrote: > Hello, > Does anyb

[ccp4bb] suggestions for cryoprotectant

2014-02-06 Thread Deepak Thankappan Nair
Hello, Does anybody know what would be a good cryoprotectant for the following condition: 800 mM Sodium phosphate monobasic/1200 mM Potassium phosphate dibasic 100 mM Sodium acetate/Aceticacid pH4.5 Thanks Deepak

[ccp4bb] Post-doc positions - Columbia University, NY

2014-02-06 Thread Liang Tong
Post-doctoral Research Associate positions are available for the structural studies on enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism or proteins involved in RNA processing. We have extensive experience in these areas, and have generated many high-impact publications. Please see my home page for

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Ho Leung Ng
I recommend using an air-impermeable oil like Paratone over the hassle of capillaries. People often say that oil kills their crystals, but in my own experience, that rarely happens. I think it is more likely due to mishandling as working with oil does require some practice. Once you get used to it

Re: [ccp4bb] Method to calculate/measure the mean solvent electron density calculated from the crystallization conditions?

2014-02-06 Thread James Holton
We recently published a method for estimating F(000) by simply equating it to Fcalc(000), the sum of all the electrons in the refined model (including those in the bulk solvent): http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1302823110 The results of this procedure compared favorably with the two experimen

[ccp4bb] ACA meeting call for abstracts (deadline: Fri Feb 7)

2014-02-06 Thread Nicholas Sauter
Dear ACA attendees, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session: 3.2.5. Chemistry and Biology with Novel Scattering Techniques scheduled from 1:30PM to 5:00PM on Tues., May 27, 2014 at the American Crystallography Association meeting in Albuquerque. Our session is aimed

[ccp4bb] Meeting Announcement: Residential School on Medicinal Chemistry and Biology in Drug Discovery

2014-02-06 Thread Strickland, Corey
All, I was asked by the meeting organizers to let the CCP4 community know about the Residential School on Medicinal Chemistry and Biology in Drug Discovery.See below for information about the course and contact information. Sincerely, Corey --

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread van den Bedem, Henry
It¹s not just possible, but desirable! There¹s evidence that conformational ensembles can be accessed in RT crystallography data, but that these are frozen out in cryo data (aforementioned Fraser et al., Accessing protein conformational ensembles using room-temperature X-ray crystallography. PNAS,

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Engin Özkan
On 2/6/14, 10:32 AM, Thomas, Leonard M. wrote: Finally as an observation over the years the art of mounting a crystal for a room temperature or 4 C shot is a dying art. I am not firmly convince the Mitogen mounts work really well, I have always had better luck with a capillary. That just may

Re: [ccp4bb] Transport of capillaries

2014-02-06 Thread Kris Tesh
Additionally, once the crystals are ready for the trip, remember to place a heat sink in with the samples.  Planes and tarmacs are seldom at room temperature. Kris Kris F. Tesh, Ph. D. Department of Biology and Biochemistry University of Houston  From: Bernard

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Thomas, Leonard M.
To add my 2 cents. Recently we have screened a lot of really poor looking crystals. We had tried originally at cryo temps and really were quite unsure as to weather they were protein, just poorly diffracting crystals, etc.. We then mounted some at room temperature and were able to observed rea

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Jim Pflugrath
If one is mounting in glass capillaries, we used to put them in a box of blue tips (1000 ul pipetteman tips). Just put a small rolled up wad of kimwipe down in the bottom, so that the capillary does not jam itself down in the narrowing of the tip point. Every capillary gets its own tip and one

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Katherine Sippel
To answer Mark's question, if your crystals are capillary mounted then planes are no problem. My protocol is to mount them, wrap them in cotton batting, put them in a 50 ml falcon tube, and pack that in bubble wrap. I managed to get them through security in my carry-on with no issues. I suggest usi

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread David Flot
Dear Therese, Yes, it is possible. If you want to collect data without cryo device on an ESRF beam line (ID23 or ID29, all equipped with PILATUS now), you need to remove 3 screws to remove the cryo device... We have as well 2 HC1 dehumidifiers which can be used on BM14 (which is equiped with a

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Keller, Jacob
I wonder whether flash-cooling from -10 degC would preserve those low mosaicity values? JPK From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of mesters Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 8:40 AM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection He

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread mesters
Hello Theresa, long time ago, we were having severe problems freezing crystals of a human carboxypeptidase (GCPII). At room temperature and at 4 degrees celcius (capillary mounted), we could only collect 2 to 3 images at X13 in Hamburg and that was it (we h

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Enrico Stura
Dear all, Thermal motion reduction and lower radiation damage are reasons for improved data associated with low temperature data collection. The liquid to glass transition of the solvent allows us to have a better idea of the hydration shell around the protein. This is something that room t

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Jim Pflugrath
Clearly, it is always possible to do non-cryogenic data collection simply by not using a cryogenic cooling device and mounting crystals so that they do not dehydrate or dry out. I've been doing quite a lot of room temperature data collection lately because in the home lab we can SAD-phase lysoz

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Mark J van Raaij
on a related matter, what are current experiences with taking crystals at room temperature by plane? (we are interested in trying the HC1 at a synchrotron but the closest are at ESRF, which is quite a drive or train-ride from Madrid) Mark J van Raaij Lab 20B Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread ferrer
Dear Enrico, It is true that, on our beamline (FIP, at the ESRF), in situ (RT) is mostly used for screening. But there is a fraction of cases where freezing, and crystal handling, induces too much degradation. In these cases, RT experiment is a real alternative. In addition, data at room temp

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Tim Gruene
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 HI J, do modern synchrotrons overcome the increase of thermal motion with increasing temperature? Isn't this the main reason data are better when collected at low temperature? Radiation damage is one reason for sure, but not really the main reason. ;-

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread ferrer
Dear Theresa, We offer the possibility for data collection at room temperature on our beamline, FIP-BM30A at the ESRF, for many years. It's really routine now (see http://www.fip-bm30a.fr/). Data are collected in situ, on the crystallization plate, thanks to the robotized system we developed f

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread James Foadi
Dear Enrico, "almost always it will be possible to achieve  better diffraction using cryogenic data collection." I would say "almost always until now". Times change, instrumentation improves and data collection techniques are becoming cunning. It's right time people start exploring the new poss

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Enrico Stura
Dear Joern and other BBers, While I fully agree that it is important to test a few images at room temperature, to know the crystal's potential, I think that almost always it will be possible to achieve better diffraction using cryogenic data collection. Those rare cases, as the one you menti

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Marco Mazzorana
Hi Theresa, Diamond Light Source currently offers this capability at all of its beamlines (all equipped with Pilatus detectors). This can be performed either standard pins under controlled humidity conditions, via the HC1 (Sanchez-Weatherby et al. *Acta Cryst.* (2009). D *65*, 1237-1246 http://scri

Re: [ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Joern Krausze
Dear Theresa, We recently collected a room temperature data set from one single crystal at Petra III. The beam line was equipped with a Pilatus detector. Data were good to 2.7 A. In contrast, at 100 K similar crystals diffracted very poorly. So, it is perfectly possible to obtain useful room te

[ccp4bb] Room temperature data collection

2014-02-06 Thread Theresa Hsu
Dear crystallographers Just out of curiosity, is it possible to collect datasets from crystals at room temperature at synchrotron? Are fast detectors like Pilatus useful for this? Thank you. Theresa