[ccp4bb] Workshop: Practical Course in Crystallization of Membrane and Large Complexes of Macromolecules

2012-05-18 Thread Agarwal, Rakhi
Crystallography Workbench June 11-13, 2012 Three day practical course in crystallization of membrane and large complexes of macromolecules Location:
National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookh

Re: [ccp4bb] pymol question

2012-05-18 Thread Folmer Fredslund
Hi Sebastiano 2012/5/18 Sebastiano Pasqualato > > Hi all, > > is there a way in Pymol to have a loop/tube representation of the protein > backbone that would pass through the N-CA-C-N(+1)-CA(+1)-C(+1) atoms rather > than CA-CA(+1) atoms? > I know this is possibly not what you are after, but wha

[ccp4bb] Symposium on Protein structure in honor of Wim Hol, Sept 3-4, Amsterdam

2012-05-18 Thread Titia K. Sixma
On September 3-4 we are organizing a meeting in honor of Wim Hol: Protein structure: from methods via structure and function to drug design. The program ((http://xtal.nki.nl/Wim-Hol-Symposium) will consist of current research of alumni from the Wim Hol lab in Groningen and Seattle, but neverth

[ccp4bb] COSMX Course Announcement on complementary optical spectroscopic methods in macromolecular crystallography - ESRF 19 -21 September 2012

2012-05-18 Thread Daniele de Sanctis
COURSE ANNOUCEMENT Introduction to complementary optical spectroscopic methods in macromolecular crystallography ESRF-EMBL-IBS, Grenoble, France, 19 - 21 September 2012 The COSMX training event will be hosted by the ESRF in Grenoble, France, from 19 to 21 of September 2012. The course addresses

[ccp4bb] pymol question

2012-05-18 Thread Sebastiano Pasqualato
Hi all, is there a way in Pymol to have a loop/tube representation of the protein backbone that would pass through the N-CA-C-N(+1)-CA(+1)-C(+1) atoms rather than CA-CA(+1) atoms? I remember something like this (a loop vs turn representation) in Molscript or Ribbons, but can't find it in Pymol

[ccp4bb] nanodrop vs larger vol measurenment of absorbance?

2012-05-18 Thread Tommi Kajander
Dear All, I would like to make small survey on experiences with using nanodrop for low concentration protein samples vs say the small 60 ul cuvette spectrometers - my experience is that around 1-2 mg/ml (well, i mean 1 AU) or in particular less than 1AU nanodrop gives underestimated values, b

Re: [ccp4bb] Drawing plt and libXaw lib

2012-05-18 Thread Jan Dohnalek
Thanks a lot for help. libXaw.i686 does the job, 386 is not available .. In Windows 7 I have the same trouble but no idea what to do there ... Jan Dohnalek On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Edward A. Berry wrote: > Jan Dohnalek wrote: >> >> Dear all, >> in Fedora 15 I am having troubles to get

Re: [ccp4bb] Covert Structure Factor to mtz

2012-05-18 Thread martyn . winn
But that's not what Paul said. I am sure we all agree the information _should_ be there, but I took Paul to mean that it _is_ there. If I look at PDBe for 2gs7, go to Downloads and Structure Factors, then the cell and symmetry is _not_ there. If I go to RCSB, and click on Structure Factors on th

Re: [ccp4bb] Covert Structure Factor to mtz

2012-05-18 Thread Jon Agirre
I completely agree with Paul. That information could even be enclosed by two commentary sections (i.e. '# Added by wwPDB mm-dd- hh:mm' and '') to highlight the changes. Jon 2012/5/18 Paul Emsley > On 17/05/12 20:16, martyn.w...@stfc.ac.uk wrote: > >> Reflection cif files

Re: [ccp4bb] Image names

2012-05-18 Thread Graeme Winter
Digest to filenames question, including Python code to answer (sorry) Cheerio, Graeme --- Majority along the lines of some_prefix_numbers.suffix e.g. foo_bar_1_0001.cbf however suggestion that there are cases where (numbers) start from 1, 2, 3 rather than 001, 002, 003 etc