Crystallography Workbench

June 11-13, 2012

Three day practical course in crystallization of membrane and large complexes 
of macromolecules

National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Purpose & Scope of Workshop:
 The purpose of this course is to provide 
participants with hands-on experience of a variety of crystal growth methods 
for obtaining high quality crystals. The course will address both conventional 
and non-conventional methods in membrane protein crystal growth and large 
complexes. Introductory lectures will precede the three practical sessions 
planned for the course. Time for discussions and informal meetings with the 
tutors is scheduled. A special session on cryogenic protection and crystal 
quality assessment will be conducted at the X6A and X4C beam lines on the last 

Intended Audience: Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research 
scientists interested in learning about different approaches to 
crystallization. Participation is limited on a first come basis. All 
participants are required to have a valid BNL guest appointment at the 
beginning of the workshop. If you do not have a valid appointment with BNL, you 
will need to register in the BNL Guest Information System 

Samples: Participants can bring samples to try during the workshop. Samples are 
required to be non-hazardous. If you have any questions, please contact one of 
the organizers.

For more information and in order to register see


Organizers: Mercy Baez (b...@bnl.gov<mailto:b...@bnl.gov>); Luxi Li 
(lux...@bnl.gov<mailto:lux...@bnl.gov>), Rakhi Agarwal 
(agar...@bnl.gov<mailto:agar...@bnl.gov>), Xiangpeng Kong 
(xiangpeng.k...@med.nyu.edu<mailto:xiangpeng.k...@med.nyu.edu>), Vivian 
Stojanoff (stoja...@bnl.gov<mailto:stoja...@bnl.gov>)

Rakhi Agarwal
Associate Biophysicist
Biology Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973
Phone: 631-344-2770
Email: agar...@bnl.gov<mailto:agar...@bnl.gov>


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