We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated researcher to join our group as a
postdoctoral fellow at Institute of molecular and cell Biology (IMCB),
Singapore. Our laboratory uses biochemical/biophysical, cellular and
crystallographic techniques to understand the molecular mechanisms of
Tying customers to formats with unbreakable, softwares and secret tricks is
seldom productive.
Customers suspect that something really wrong with the machines is hiding
behind that.
It is not clear if it is legal. After all, academic customers pay money
taken from public and transferred to gran
Dear BB,
Thanks for all of your helpful and useful comments
Whilst there was some agreement that simulated annealing should be enough to
solve any problems, we have taken perhaps the cautious approach.
We have produced a freeR set in the bigger unit cell using reindex as suggested
by Eleanor:
>>I'd have to say, in general the easiest thing to do when confronted with
Mosflm issues is to get in touch with the authors and ask them. We are all
very friendly, approachable people who will do our best to help!<<
I cannot agree more with this...
Many thanks with all your help provided so far
1) Are you sure your model is only a monomer alone?
2) The first 4 rotation peaks indicate there is probably a trimer, and
in the same orientation probably as the one in the native. rotation peak
1 and 2 generate almost the identity matrix.
What are the cells for the 2 forms?
Hi folks
With respect to George, I don't think this is the easiest way. If learning to
use a different program was the easiest way forward for any task, people would
have dropped MS-Windows like a hot potato after the release of Vista and
started using some other operating system that was "bett
By far the easiest way would be to use the programs (SAINT and SADABS)
provided by Bruker. We get excellent data, e.g. for in-house S-SAD
phasing, using these programs (either offline or as part of the Bruker
GUI) for data collected on our SMART6000. For a detailed S-SAD example
see Berhard's bo
That utility is available within the Bruker Suite. We have a Proteum
system and it is available from the Bruker software, although there
is a standalone version. A while back, I was able to convert some
images so that they could be read by MOSFLM and XDS, but I was never
successful in pro