
That utility is available within the Bruker Suite. We have a Proteum system and it is available from the Bruker software, although there is a standalone version. A while back, I was able to convert some images so that they could be read by MOSFLM and XDS, but I was never successful in processing them with those programs.



At 02:12 09-11-2010, Iain Kerr wrote:
Hi Ed,

Bruker used to supply a utility called FRM2FRM that would "unwarp" their images so that they were readable by Mosflm. You may want to consult them directly; Matt Benning (I believe he's still there) was most helpful when I was having problems with Bruker images a few years ago.


On 11/8/2010 12:01 PM, Ed Pozharski wrote:
I am trying to read Bruker's Smart 6000 images with mosflm and it fails.
Based on some limited googlearch I feel that "NPIXELB:1" is a relevant
information and when these files were processed in HKL (not by me), the
relevant detector line says "format ccd bruker smart6000 binned".  I see
from mosflm website that I might be in trouble here although it says
that in recent version handling of bruker smart has been improved.  In
the mosflm crash file I get this

  From information in the image file, the detector has been
  recognized as: Bruker SMART
  If this is incorrect you must supply a DETECTOR keyword

So my question is how do I figure out if this particular format is
supported or not?



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