[ccp4bb] SHELXL eating REFMAC5 waters - whom to trust?

2009-11-11 Thread Wulf Blankenfeldt
Dear all, I am blessed/tormented with a 0.8 A data set for a small protein. I first refined it using COOT/REFMAC5 until I deemed it done, which meant manually adding quite a few water molecules that were weak and a little more distant to the protein. R is 10.2%, R-free is 10.8%. I realize th

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On 13:16 Wed 11 Nov , Matthias Zebisch wrote: > What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing? > Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage. Some additional advice about factors other than wavelength: For S-SAD on a home Cu source, my previous lab showed that o

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread James Holton
Matthias Zebisch wrote: Dear bb! What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing? Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage. Also, would the same wavelength be appropriate to maximize anomalous scattering to position chlorides, calcium, sulfate in already phased

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Quyen Hoang
I played around with a few years back - tried all kinds of different data collection strategies and wavelengths. What worked for me was collecting data at wavelength of 1.7A from a few different crystals and then merge them together to get a higher redundancy. Both calcium and sulfur signals

Re: [ccp4bb] SIRAS Phasing - SOLVE/RESOLVE

2009-11-11 Thread George M. Sheldrick
This is very easy to do using SHELXC/D/E, with or without the hkl2map GUI. All you need are two .sca file, if necessary they can be generated from .mtz using Tim Gruene's mtz2sca (also available from the SHELX download site). No special scaling or merging is required. George Prof. George M. Shel

[ccp4bb] SIRAS Phasing - SOLVE/RESOLVE

2009-11-11 Thread Ankit Gupta
Hello, I am currently working on a problem by SIRAS. I have a native and an isomorphous SeMet dataset. I have been trying to use SOLVE/RESOLVE by modifying the MIR file. The problem I am having is with the input file. Can two separate files be used as input, one native.mtz(scaled amplitudes) and a

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Jan Abendroth
Hi Matthias, S-SAD seems to require really strong diffraction, high symmetry, and high data redundancy. In the end, the S ano signal is pretty weak even at longer wavelength. While S-SAD might work, Iodide soaks might be a much more practical approach. Iodide has some 6 electrons at CuKa. .

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Jim Pflugrath
2.29 Angstrom is an excellent wavelength for Cl, Ca and S anomalous scatterers. This is the wavelength produced by a Cr home source. Some older references: Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2003 Nov;59(Pt 11):1943-57. Epub 2003 Oct 23. Away from the edge: SAD phasing from the sulfur anomalous

Re: [ccp4bb] {Disarmed} Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Miguel Ortiz Lombardia
Le 11 nov. 09 à 14:26, Jürgen Bosch a écrit : Dear CCP4 community, (hijacking the thread) I so far failed to get a sulfur SAD phased structure and I blamed it on the low symmetry space group C2 plus weakish diffraction if you don't want to overexpose your crystal and be able to collect 20-30

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Vellieux Frederic
Miguel Ortiz Lombardia wrote: Of course, as Fred said, the precission of the measurements is extremely important for sulfur-SAD phasing. What I was really meaning is the combination of i) accuracy and ii) sufficient redundancy. Not too much, in your case, as you rightly say in your mail. Fred

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Daniele de Sanctis
Hi Matthias Another crucial point to phase with sulphur anomalous signal is to use an appropriate scaling protocol. You can find extense discussion in the reference Matt posted. In case you want just to calculate an anomalous difference Fourier map you don't need to go that soft, you can

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Jürgen Bosch
Dear CCP4 community, (hijacking the thread) I so far failed to get a sulfur SAD phased structure and I blamed it on the low symmetry space group C2 plus weakish diffraction if you don't want to overexpose your crystal and be able to collect 20-30x redundancy. What do the expert think about f

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Miguel Ortiz Lombardia
Le 11 nov. 09 à 13:16, Matthias Zebisch a écrit : Dear bb! What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing? Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage. Also, would the same wavelength be appropriate to maximize anomalous scattering to position chlorides, calcium,

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Vellieux Frederic
Matthias Zebisch wrote: Dear bb! What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing? Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage. Also, would the same wavelength be appropriate to maximize anomalous scattering to position chlorides, calcium, sulfate in already phased

Re: [ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Matthew BOWLER
Hi Mattias, For maximizing the anomalous scattering of chlorides, calcium and sulfate I always collect highly redundant data (say 7 fold) at 7keV (1.77A). As for the optimal wavelength for S-SAD I would point you to the following publication: http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2005/09/00/d

[ccp4bb] sulfur sad phasing

2009-11-11 Thread Matthias Zebisch
Dear bb! What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing? Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage. Also, would the same wavelength be appropriate to maximize anomalous scattering to position chlorides, calcium, sulfate in already phased structures? Thanks in a

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

2009-11-11 Thread Uwe Mueller
The Humboldt-University Berlin (HU-Berlin) is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for Macromolecular Structure and Interaction to support the operation of the MX-beamlines located at the BESSY II storage ring (headed by Dr. Uwe Müller, BESSY/HZB) and to conduct research at the HU-Berlin

Re: [ccp4bb] video that explains, very simply, what Structural Molecular Biology is about

2009-11-11 Thread Dr. Anthony Addlagatta
*** This message has been scanned by the InterScan for CSC SSM by IICT security policy and found to be free of known security risks. *** Nice link. Thanks Anthony - Dr. Anthony Addlagatta Scien

[ccp4bb] video that explains, very simply, what Structural Molecular Biology is about

2009-11-11 Thread Vellieux Frederic
Dear all, Thought I'd share this with you: I located this through Ms Ines Kahlaoui, from the Beja Higher Institute of Biotechnology in Tunisia (Ines has to teach and locates videos on the internet, which she then downloads and uses for teaching). Ines located this jewel: http://video.google