Hi Matthias,
S-SAD seems to require really strong diffraction, high symmetry, and high data redundancy. In the end, the S ano signal is pretty weak even at longer wavelength. While S-SAD might work, Iodide soaks might be a much more practical approach. Iodide has some 6 electrons at CuKa.
... has given us 2 structures for SSGCID during the past month...


On Nov 11, 2009, at 4:16 AM, Matthias Zebisch wrote:

Dear bb!

What is the optimal wavelength for Sulfur SAD phasing?
Is it 1.9A or should one go below that to reduce absorption/damage.

Also, would the same wavelength be appropriate to maximize anomalous
scattering to position chlorides, calcium, sulfate in already phased structures?

Thanks in advance,


Jan Abendroth
deCODE biostructures
Seattle / Bainbridge Island WA, USA
work: JAbendroth_at_decode.is
home: Jan.Abendroth_at_gmail.com

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