[ccp4bb] Calculating vertical offset of helices

2007-08-03 Thread Jie Liu
Dear CCP4ers: Does anyone know an existing program to calculate the lateral displacement---the vertical offset, measured as a fraction of the the heptad repeat---of neighboring helices in coiled coils or helix bundles, either parallel or antiparallel? Your input is greatly appreciated. Have a n

[ccp4bb] Job: RNA Center in Santa Cruz, CA, US

2007-08-03 Thread William Scott
Link to the advertisement: http://chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/temp/RNAad.pdf The Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position. We seek candidates whose research centers on fundam

[ccp4bb] Tweaking with SCBUlk and BBULk parameters in refmac

2007-08-03 Thread Jose Antonio Cuesta-Seijo
Dear All, I have a structure to 1.65A crystallized in high sulphate conditions. The R factors went smoothly to 21% and 23% (Rfree), but the difference map shows positive difference peaks in otherwise normal regions of the main chain and is more noisy than expected in general. Since the el

Re: [ccp4bb] Volume calculation of a crevice

2007-08-03 Thread Anthony Addlagatta
Try the CASTp site at http://sts.bioengr.uic.edu/castp/calculation.php Anthony Anthony Addlagatta, PhD Institute of Molecular Biology University of Oregon Eugene, OR-97403 Phone: (541) 346-5867 Fax: (541)346-5870 Web: http://uoregon.edu/~anthony On Aug 3, 200

Re: [ccp4bb] resolution vs ramachandran

2007-08-03 Thread Robert Immormino
Hi Xiaofei, You might want to try the backrub tool in KiNG (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/software/king.php) . This allows one to make subtle correlated changed along the mainchain, and watch the effect on the fit to the Ramachandran plot. Richardson Lab Duke University On 8/3/07, Xiaofei J

Re: [ccp4bb] resolution vs ramachandran

2007-08-03 Thread price
Every modern structure should be "above average" by procheck criteria. For modest resolution structures, the availability of ncs restraints should have a big effect on one's Ramachandran expectations: I've found ncs restraints at 3-3.5A do wonders for the Ramachandran plot even when they don't

Re: [ccp4bb] Volume calculation of a crevice

2007-08-03 Thread Murray, James W
Dear Enrique, VOIDOO does what you want. http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf/voidoo_man.html Other similar programs are CAVENV in the CCP4 suite, and CAVER (http://loschmidt.chemi.muni.cz/caver/), which finds tunnels, and gives you tunnel radii. best wishes James Dr. James Murray Biochemistry Buildi

[ccp4bb] resolution vs ramachandran

2007-08-03 Thread Xiaofei Jia
Dear all,   I am now preparing my structure for deposition.  The crystal diffracts to 3.0 A. R: 0.20; R free: 0.25. What I am concerned with is the Ramachandran plot; 83.5% in core region, 15.8% in allowed, 0.5 % in general allowed,0.2% in disallowed region. The model fits in density pretty well an

Re: [ccp4bb] resolution vs ramachandran

2007-08-03 Thread Edward Berry
Procheck puts out such a correlation (% most favorable vs resolution) in the _04.ps file. For example look at page 7, first panel of the sample procheck output at: http://sb20.lbl.gov/SQR/procheck-2H88.pdf It appears that 83.5% would be well above average for a 3 A structure according to procheck

[ccp4bb] Volume calculation of a crevice

2007-08-03 Thread Enrique Rudiño-Piñera
Dear All, I am wondering if you know a program to calculate the volume of a particular crevice in a PDB we are analysing. Thank you in advance! Enrique

[ccp4bb] some resources for working with new pdbv3 format

2007-08-03 Thread Robert Immormino
For dealing wih PDBv3.0 format, our lab has two new facilities to offer: MolProbity, our structure validation and improvement webserver (http://molprobity.biochem.duke.edu/ ), now accepts coordinate files in either PDBv2.3 or PDBv3.0 format and uses the latter for computations. A formal descri

Re: [ccp4bb] stacking interaction!

2007-08-03 Thread Kim Henrick
using http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/msdsite/ and then under "Ligand environment:" click Edit and draw the interaction The oval shape is a ligand - click on it and say make it GAL you can say add a TRP connected to a ligand (it is a rectangle shape) and click on the "bond" circle and

Re: [ccp4bb] stacking interaction!

2007-08-03 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Try submitting your coordinates to www.ebi.ac.uk/ msd and choose the task MSDpisa It gives you lots of info including that.. Eleanor Sreeram Mahesh wrote: Hi All! I have found stacking interaction between aromatic residues of a structure of an enzyme. does anybody knows any server which

Re: [ccp4bb] density histogram

2007-08-03 Thread Adam Ralph
MAPMAN from Uppsala will do this. Adam On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Bernhard Rupp wrote: > Dear All - > > before I code ahead - is there a simple program/script available where I can > read > in a map and it gives me a basic 1d density histogram (or the tabular > data at least) in return? > > Thx, br