and then under "Ligand environment:"
click Edit and draw the interaction
The oval shape is a ligand - click on it
and say make it GAL
you can say add a TRP connected to a ligand
(it is a rectangle shape)
and click on the "bond" circle and change it to
type "two-planes"
click SUBMIT tehn SEARCH and you will have
all interactions of TRP---GAL in a planar like manner
there are 84 of these
variations can be used for making the ligands
TRP/HIS/TYR/PHE as an or
you can look for sandwiches TRP--XXX--TRP
but for pure protein protein side chain interactions
as clusters of aromatics interacting try
you can upload your pdb file and search for all
your file for any of the known custers or
or browse looking for our type of interaction
it will automatically assume TRP/PHE/TYR are equivalent
there are 6 known clusters of at least 3 aromatics
where the side chains are in the same place for the
unqiue set of PDB entries by sequence
e.g. click on
then Overlaid of this site
you will see the 7 structures not related by sequence
with the pattern
FWWNQHS*** where 6 side chains are identical in 3d space
(this isnt a pure stacking but the clustalw alignment
of the 7 hydrolase sequences shows only 32 '*'
out of lengths 212 to 316 amino acids)
the view overlay of the 1st PHE-PHE-PHE set of 16 structures
is impressive cnsiering that al the structures in this case have no
relationship - all know clusters are searched for in any upload structure
The service is under continued improvement and you may wish
to contact Tom Oldfield on specific requests as there is a newer
unreleased version
On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
Try submitting your coordinates to msd and choose the task
It gives you lots of info including that..
Sreeram Mahesh wrote:
Hi All!
I have found stacking interaction between aromatic residues of a
structure of an enzyme. does anybody knows any server which can quantify
the stacking interaction between side chains of aminoacids.
Thanking very much in advance!
Sreeram Mahesh
Research Student
Prof S Ramakumar's lab
PHYSICS department
IISc Bangalore-560 012.
ph:080-2293 2718.
mobile: 9241145183.
Kim HENRICK [EMAIL PROTECTED] ::telephone: +44 (0) 1223 494629