[GitHub] [kvrocks]: Workflow run "CI" is working again!

2023-08-09 Thread GitBox
The GitHub Actions job "CI" on kvrocks.git has succeeded. Run started by GitHub user enjoy-binbin (triggered by enjoy-binbin). Head commit for run: 2248590a163411d8dfdd9731d569d67c30692c19 / Binbin GEOSEARCH* from is not optional, FROMLONLAT or FROMMEMBER must require Fix that FROMLONLAT or FR

[GitHub] [kvrocks]: Workflow run "CI" failed!

2023-08-09 Thread GitBox
The GitHub Actions job "CI" on kvrocks.git has failed. Run started by GitHub user ChrisZMF (triggered by ChrisZMF). Head commit for run: bbc8034443062baa03840c53ec718be952ff76b9 / mingfo.zou fix comments Report URL: https://github.com/apache/kvrocks/actions/runs/5808683138 With regards, GitHu