The GitHub Actions job "CI" on kvrocks.git has succeeded. Run started by GitHub user enjoy-binbin (triggered by enjoy-binbin).
Head commit for run: 2248590a163411d8dfdd9731d569d67c30692c19 / Binbin <> GEOSEARCH* from is not optional, FROMLONLAT or FROMMEMBER must require Fix that FROMLONLAT or FROMMEMBER is required, otherwise we would have the following inconsistency: ```> GEOSEARCH src BYBOX 88 88 m asc (error) ERR exactly one of FROMMEMBER or FROMLONLAT can be specified for GEOSEARCH> GEOSEARCHSTORE dst src BYBOX 88 88 m asc (error) ERR exactly one of FROMMEMBER or FROMLONLAT can be specified for GEOSEARCHSTORE> GEOSEARCH src BYBOX 88 88 m asc (empty array)> GEOSEARCHSTORE dst src BYBOX 88 88 m asc (integer) 0 ``` Minor fix to minor bug. Report URL: With regards, GitHub Actions via GitBox