Consistent errors running Ant builds on Windows

2013-03-06 Thread Jesse Glick,label=Windows/555/ for example fails with the attached HotSpot crash: There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1663824 bytes for Chu

Re: Apache build infrastructure or Oracle JVM problem: crash in native JDK code

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/20/2013 11:46 AM, Martin Desruisseaux wrote: clobbering an open JAR file is an hypothesis that may explain the JVM crash, but this is unverified. Indeed it is only a hypothesis, though one based on repeated encounters with similar crashes over the course of years of development that were

Re: Apache build infrastructure or Oracle JVM problem: crash in native JDK code

2013-02-20 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/06/2013 01:39 PM, Jesse Glick wrote: I could file a JIRA ticket for it

Re: Apache build infrastructure or Oracle JVM problem: crash in native JDK code

2013-02-06 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/06/2013 06:12 AM, Martin Desruisseaux wrote: the approach that we wanted to apply has been used for more than 5 years on Windows, Solaris, Linux Gentoo, Linux Ubuntu, MacOS, and other Hudson/Jenkins servers without any JVM crash Perhaps you were just lucky, or perhaps there is something

Re: Apache build infrastructure or Oracle JVM problem: crash in native JDK code

2013-02-05 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/05/2013 07:30 PM, sebb wrote: a pure Java application should not be able to cause a JVM crash Depends entirely on what you mean by “pure Java application”. When you have filesystem and Process access, you can do whatever the user shell account can do, which certainly includes triggering

Re: Apache build infrastructure or Oracle JVM problem: crash in native JDK code

2013-02-05 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/04/2013 09:23 AM, Martin Desruisseaux wrote: the crash occurs in the C/C++ implementation of This is almost always a symptom of user error rather than a JDK bug; or at least any bug report to Oracle along these lines will be rejected. Something in y

Re: Ant build failures on Windows nodes

2012-06-03 Thread Jesse Glick
On 06/01/2012 09:53 PM, Gavin McDonald wrote: I've now replaced those shortcuts with proper symlinks (mklink link target) and all is well again. Ant-Build-Matrix/491/ looks normal again. Thanks!

Re: Ant build failures on Windows nodes

2012-06-01 Thread Jesse Glick
On 06/01/2012 05:00 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote: this one is fixed Thanks... But I don't know the cause of the new one:,label=Windows/490/console Probably: Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program File

Ant build failures on Windows nodes

2012-06-01 Thread Jesse Glick,label=Windows/488/console FATAL: Cannot find executable from the choosen [sic] Ant installation "Ant (latest)" Seems there is some problem with the tool configurations for Ant (at least 1.8.2 & latest) on the Windows nodes

Re: Jenkins Maven build (Ant_BuildFromPOMs) -> InvalidRepositoryException

2012-03-05 Thread Jesse Glick
On 03/05/2012 04:42 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote: (the workaround is to add a value in in distMngt) That did the trick, thanks!

Re: Jenkins Maven build (Ant_BuildFromPOMs) -> InvalidRepositoryException

2012-03-05 Thread Jesse Glick
On 03/05/2012 03:48 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote: Disable archiving maven artifacts in maven plugin advanced option. I tried checking "Disable automatic artifact archiving" but this does not help. "Use private Maven repository" with strategy = "Local to the workspace" does not help either. By the w

Jenkins Maven build (Ant_BuildFromPOMs) -> InvalidRepositoryException

2012-03-05 Thread Jesse Glick org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to create release distribution repository for org.apache.ant:ant-parent:pom:1.9.0-SNAPSHOT ... Caused by: org.apache.maven.artifact.Invali

Re: [Buildbot] value for M2_HOME (maven.home) ?

2012-02-28 Thread Jesse Glick
On 02/28/2012 05:46 PM, Gavin McDonald wrote: Is there a document that describes where to find things on each slave? with over 30 slaves and different admins installing stuff all the time, I fear it would be a nightmare to keep updated. This is why tool auto-installation [1] was created. Eve

Fwd: Build failed in Jenkins: Ant_JDK_1.4 #419

2011-04-13 Thread Jesse Glick
Some problem with the Subversion plugin perhaps? --- Begin Message --- See -- Started by an SCM change Building remotely on ubuntu1 FATAL: cannot assign instance of hudson.model.StreamBuildListener to

Re: M3 and hudson

2011-01-24 Thread Jesse Glick
On 01/23/2011 12:04 PM, Benson Margulies wrote: I've fixed the download URL, please try again. Now we get the following ... which thinks that it's hudson's fault. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: /home/hudson/hudson-slave/tools/Maven_3.0 without lib directory at hudson.maven.Maven

Re: Workspace conflicts with hudson

2010-12-04 Thread Jesse Glick
On 12/03/2010 05:33 PM, Benson Margulies wrote: We [...] are (trying) to use a shared workspace to pass artifacts down from job to job without publishing them as snapshots. Perhaps would be helpful then?

Re: More on maven 3.0

2010-10-25 Thread Jesse Glick
On 10/25/2010 04:34 PM, Benson Margulies wrote: the error I get is a missing 'classworlds'. I happen to recall that classworlds was replaced by guice in Maven 3, so I do wonder if any version of M3 can be expected to work at all. You mean when using a "native" Maven job. Sorry, Hudson's Maven j

Re: More on maven 3.0

2010-10-25 Thread Jesse Glick
On 10/25/2010 04:30 PM, Jesse Glick wrote: I can reproduce and am looking at it. Never mind, I accidentally set the "Label" on the installer when this should have been left blank. After deleting that, it works (with a freestyle build).

Re: More on maven 3.0

2010-10-25 Thread Jesse Glick
On 10/24/2010 05:42 PM, Benson Margulies wrote: When I configured a job to use the maven 3.0 installer I added, it fails. It doesn't seem to actually download the installer. I can reproduce and am looking at it. BTW I tried to fix the "crawler" to list 3.0 as an available Maven version from ap

Re: The config diff support

2010-10-25 Thread Jesse Glick
On 10/25/2010 02:08 PM, Benson Margulies wrote: What hudson plugin is in use that shows configuration history of jobs?

Re: Hudson now uses nested views

2010-10-25 Thread Jesse Glick
On 10/24/2010 04:50 PM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote: I finally bit the bullet and rearranged the views in Hudson into a nested structure. Didn't you want to wait for instead?

Re: Running hudson or something like it on changes before they are committed

2010-09-27 Thread Jesse Glick
On 09/27/2010 08:33 PM, Ted Dunning wrote: It seems that he does indeed want a pre-commit builder. FYI: There does not seem to be any broad consensus on what such a feature should look like, at least if implemented within Hu

Re: Saving job configuration still extremely slow

2010-09-21 Thread Jesse Glick
On 09/21/2010 04:37 PM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote: If anyone got any idea, besides asking the Hudson devs to optimize this code Sounds like a clear bug in Hudson; will you file it?

Re: "JDK 1.4 (Latest)" on windows1 - JRE only?

2010-09-21 Thread Jesse Glick
On 09/21/2010 03:43 PM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote: The only JDK 1.4 available on the Windows slave is the IBM JDK [...] Let me know if you need a Sun JDK 1.4. on there as well. OK. For now I am just disabling this cell in the matrix configuration.

Saving job configuration still extremely slow

2010-09-21 Thread Jesse Glick
I had thought this was just a problem with the old Hudson installation, but it is still true: clicking "Save" from a job's /configure screen takes several minutes before the job's main page is loaded again. This should only take a second or two. Maybe someone can trace what is taking so long?

"JDK 1.4 (Latest)" on windows1 - JRE only?

2010-09-21 Thread Jesse Glick
I am trying to get Ant-Build-Matrix working, but,label=Windows/240/console reports Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\java\jre6\lib\tools.jar Is there something wrong with the JDK 1.4

Re: [hudson] I was logged as SYSTEM

2010-08-20 Thread Jesse Glick
On 08/20/2010 08:51 AM, Nicolas Lalevée wrote: I was logged as my normal account, hibou, I get to configure my projects (IvyDE projects). But suddenly, 5 mins ago, I refreshed the hudson web page in my Safari: hudson says I am logged as SYSTEM... ?! I unlogged, relogged as hibou, I'm am still l

Re: [Hudson] Problem with jobs tied to slave names

2010-08-17 Thread Jesse Glick
On 08/17/2010 03:35 AM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote: I've opened an issue in the Hudson JIRA to see if parenthesis in slave names are now invalid. I already filed this, maybe make yours a duplicate: Also of interest:

Re: [Hudson] New Hudson master now running

2010-08-16 Thread Jesse Glick
On 08/15/2010 04:45 PM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote: Please get back with any issues you're seeing! Saving job configuration (/configSubmit) is still extremely slow; loading the main job page after pressing Submit takes a couple of minutes. (Whereas going to other job-related URLs, including going

Re: AW: Upcoming migration to new Hudson master

2010-08-11 Thread Jesse Glick
On 08/11/2010 08:42 AM, Jan Matèrne wrote: If I remember right, there was a discussion about not having any job running on the master - only on slaves It is a good idea. Trivially enforceable by configuring master to have zero executors.

Re: IRC plugin for Hudson

2010-07-22 Thread Jesse Glick
On 07/21/2010 10:46 PM, Antoine Toulme wrote: It looks like the load is much lighter now - can we try restarting now? You all do know about /safeExit & /safeRestart, right? Or Prepare for Shutdown? You can wait for currently running builds to finish while forbidding new builds to start, and yo

Re: Check for timeout plugin

2010-07-12 Thread Jesse Glick
On 07/12/2010 09:45 PM, Antoine Toulme wrote: 2. We can create a plugin that presets the timeout field. Probably best done as a part of

Tool auto-installation

2010-07-06 Thread Jesse Glick This would be very useful on; even the most common stuff like JDKs, Ant, and Maven do not seem to be set up. Which is rather irritating because there is a long list of special versions of tools which only wor

Possibly stalled jobs

2010-07-06 Thread Jesse Glick
Several jobs -,, Tuscany-2x - are extremely slow (running for several hours now), and history shows that they were often just aborted. I think these should be given a timeout. Tuscany-2x does actually have a timeout of 400 minut