On 02/28/2012 05:46 PM, Gavin McDonald wrote:
Is there a document that describes where to find things on each slave?

with over 30 slaves and different admins installing stuff all the time, I fear 
it would be a nightmare to keep updated.

This is why tool auto-installation [1] was created. Even if you do not want to use the automatic installers, you can still define an abstract tool on master and then assign a path for it on each slave (in the node properties page). Then a job can use the tool without having to hardcode a path. If by "using" the tool you need to do something more specialized than just assigning it to a standard build step, the Tool Environment plugin [2] can be very helpful.

[1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Tool+Auto-Installation
[2] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Tool+Environment+Plugin

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