Comment #8 on issue 461 by countertony: enharmonic ties
Another real-world example would be in Stanford's Te Deum Laudamus (in B
flat) - in
the organ part just before "We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants"
there's a pair
of ties (bo
Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #7 by n.puttock:
I suppose both examples might be considered slightly cryptic, though
there is only
one place in both which could be a tie (the C sharp -> D flat).
The key signature is F sharp major.
Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #6 by
In the last example: where is the difference, apart from the A sharp?
In the bass, it
is difficult to say what exact notes are they, for there are no visible
clef or key
Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #5 by n.puttock:
Here's another example, from Fauré's gorgeous G flat Barcarolle (spot the
faure.PNG 45.4 KB
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Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #4 by v.villenave:
Your example looks like a slur to me :-)
However, this would indeed me a much appreciated feature (I do need
such things all
the time).
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Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #3 by lemzwerg:
I'm attaching a real-word example (from a vocal score of Tristan).
tristan-enharmonic-tie.png 9.2 KB
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Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #2 by lemzwerg:
Hmm. Of course I can fake it with a slur; however, this feature is necessary
for correct MIDI output. A similar issue is #302 which should be solved too as
soon as this issue is fixed.
Issue 461: enharmonic ties
Comment #1 by hanwenn:
this is on purpose. The formatting would be completely different, due to
Use a slur to fake this.
Issue attribute updates:
Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement
Issue 461: enharmonic ties
New issue report by lemzwerg:
\version "2.11.31"
\header { texidoc = "
LilyPond should accept a tie between notes which are
enharmonically identical.
Currently, it doesn't.
" }
cis'2 ~ des'
\paper {