Work in progress: http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~kwhite/lilypond/
bug-lilypond mailing list
The following fix (obvious once you know!) is required in the
piano-dynamics.ly template so that "cresc.", "dim." etc. are also
centered along with hairpins and dynamics. This should allow the
use of "\setTextCresc" without surprises...
In other words, DynamicTextSpanner also needs an extra-offse
Instead of being centered, the "dim.- - - -" dynamic indication is
placed much (sic) lower than the hairpins, "fff", or "ppp" when using
the piano-dynamics.ly template. Apply the following diff to
piano-dynamics.ly to get an example.
---cut here---
# diff -u /usr/local/share/examples/lilypond/tem
On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Erik Sandberg wrote:
> This is a known problem. You can change Timing.measurePosition as a
> workaround.
Ah, so the question then becomes: will the example in the documentation
be changed? As a lily neophyte I would have been happy to have
seen a working example for this par
In the example located here:
for repeats with a partial bar and alternative endings there is the
following example:
\context Staff {
\partial 4
\repeat volta 4 { e | c2 d2 | e2 f2 | }